Free at KFC
You get this movie for free at KFC in Canada if you get a ffamily meal. You know a movie's good whenn...
shareYou get this movie for free at KFC in Canada if you get a ffamily meal. You know a movie's good whenn...
this movie is good though... did you watch it? sadly it was marketed poorly... it's way ahead of it's time... it's worth more than that...
I see you're drinking 1%
Yes, it would be smarter to give a bad film away. Then angry customers won't go to KFC anymore.
My name is Jim, but most people call me... Jim.
blame canada! blame canada!
(sorry for the obligatory south park reference)
Nope, more like America's attic. Stuff up there we don't know about, but good finds (Jim Carrey, Mike Meyers). And then there's the stuff granny left behind ya wanna throw away (Dan Rather, French Quebec).
Dan Rather was from Texas, I think you mean Peter Jennings.
OMG... so boring
shareCanadians have such good taste that no one there would buy that crap movie so they had to give it away at KFC. Sorry but that's the way it goes.
For someone who's posts consist mainly of "Sex and The City" and "Inside Man" (which was mediocore at best); and after your post calling Fifth Element "redeeming", I don't think you're really qualified to comment on "taste".
shareFirst of all: I had comments about 'Inside Man' but I didn't necessarily like the movie. Second: Sex and the City is really well written and I love the fashion in it. There is more than 1 reason to watch a show. Lastly: I admit my post for Fifth element was pathetic but I'm trying to find someone. So gnah.
What a tremendous family movie this is! Leave it to the good people at Canadian KFC's to give away this fantastic movie alongside a family meal. Grandma and the kids will love it!
shareFifth Element is a great film, are you smoking something??? o.0
shareKFC, at least where i live isn't really well loved. they could give away the god father and it wouldn't increase sales. there is something decidedly American about KFC and were not having any of it! The latest reply ever.
shareI love the way people represent their entire countries based on their taste in chicken and movies.
no, no where I live like my town they're always switching owners and trying different advertising and trying to pay more and more to work there. But they're always hiring and always doing promos with local businesses.