MovieChat Forums > Last Man Standing (1996) Discussion > Smith's reloading exaggerated, but not t...

Smith's reloading exaggerated, but not too far off....

Ok, your classic 1911 .45 held I believe 7 or 8 rounds, whereas your modern day 9mm holds anywhere from 15-18 rounds. Now, Smith reloads a fair amount, but more on par with ammo counts of 9mm pistols, he'd have been shown reloading twice as much if it held to .45 ammo capacity. Just a minor thought.


9mm or not (and unless it's anachronistic, those would have to be .45 colts, so a max of nine bullets per gun, but that'd be only before the first reload [8 round mag, 1 in chamber]) the amount of bullets fired before reloading is just absurd. Just have to suspend disbelief, and take at as an homage to over the top action movies.

Before you jump on me, know this: I rarely think things through before posting.


Prohibition Era 1911s were 7 rounds and 1 in the chamber IF they were preloaded that way.

And they may not have been Colts. Could have been Springfield, Ithaca, Remington Ram, or a couple other brands that escape me atm
