What was she thinking?
Knowing how he is, why would his wife expect him to be the one to get the action figure for Christmas? And then she waits till Dec 23 (?) to make sure he got it? I think she failed as much as he did on this one.
shareKnowing how he is, why would his wife expect him to be the one to get the action figure for Christmas? And then she waits till Dec 23 (?) to make sure he got it? I think she failed as much as he did on this one.
shareI think she asked him probably months before and assumed he'd pick one up.
shareShe said she asked him 2 weeks ago. ...But then she waited till time was super crucial to verify he followed through. Dumb.
shareYeah, maybe they should've put in a line of dialogue saying the mom was so busy herself and couldn't get it and had been asking him for weeks. I'd guess in most households it's the mother who's in charge of christmas presents. To pan it off on the workaholic father is a bit dumb.
Yeah, Liz did drop the ball a bit considering how forgetful and distracted Howard is, and particularly since she knew how scarce the dolls would be. My wife would absolutely have made it her priority to get that one gift our sons wanted that badly, but if she had to delegate it to me for any reason, she would ask me twice daily from the moment she first asked to the moment I personally handed it over to her LOL.