Unfair bias against Howard?
I don't think Howard (Arnold's character) is as bad of a husband and father as we're meant to think he is. I'll use the karate tournament as an example. The screenwriters want us to think Howard is neglectful because he didn't make it to see Jamie get his belt. But let's examine:
1. Leaving aside whether or not Howard shouldn't have stayed so late at the office to begin with, it's worth noting he was the only one actually working. Everyone else was partying while he was doing his job.
2. He shouldn't have driven on the side of the road admittedly, but that cop was a jerk with nothing better to do. End of story. Simply ticketing Howard and letting him go would've been sufficient, but I guess Officer Dickwad was just looking for a means to amuse himself.
So, Howard missed the tournament because he was working, which is how he pays for all that stupid Turboman junk Jamie likes and puts food on the family's table, and because he was held up by an idiotic policeman. I can understand Jamie's reaction to be honest. He's a child and therefore doesn't understand how or why his father would break a promise: all he knows is the promise was broken.
That aside, it's clear to be that the movie wants us to side with Jamie, and dislike Howard for being unable to keep his promise. The entire movie is like this. Nearly everything Howard does is for Jamie's benefit, but due to circumstances either understandable (working late), or beyond his control (a cop with a grudge against him), or both (that meddling mailman Myron and the scarcity of Turboman figures), he is made unable to. And we're supposed to think he's a bad father?
The one and only time he crosses the line is when he breaks into his neighbor's house to steal the Turboman figure from Jamie's friend, Johnny. But...he thinks better of it and puts it back. Everything would've been fine if Johnny's dad didn't have that stupid reindeer.
I gotta say I find this pretty disgusting. If you wanna make the character a bad father, MAKE HIM A BAD FATHER. Don't depict him as hardworking and eager to please his son, and the victim of bad luck, and then ask us to hate him.