MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (1996) Discussion > Nic Knight as John Reed

Nic Knight as John Reed

It's a shame that John Reed (portrayed by the delightfully nasty Nic Knight) had absolutely NO part, especially since this was made only a year after he was brilliant as Prince Brat in "Prince Brat and the Whipping Boy." He has the most wicked laugh, sour pout, and brutish on screen attitude and they TOTALLY under-used the poor boy. He could have really set off the movie well. The way it looked, Jane was hardly abused when in the book, John is a complete terror. Anyone else sad about this fact?

Seen a version with more John?


Both the 1973 and 1983 versions have more scenes with John. The 1973 has the most characterisation but the actor from the 1983 version is better, in my opinion.

Bronteana Bronte Studies Blog:


Thank you so much!
