
meaning you are obsessed with Jane Eyre..
Here are some systoms

Do you have one or more Jane Eyre Posters or Phots Hanging in your Room or Cubical at work..

Do you own more than one adaption of Jane Eyre and wonder when they are going to release the others.

Do you own Jane Eyre:The Musical or Jane Eyre:the Opera or any Jane Eyre Score..

Can you finish this scene in your head..

"How can you be so stupid? How can you be so curel"


"Come and bid me good moring Jane!"

Did you know those two quotes were from two different Jane Eyres

Have you ever read "Jenna Starbourn" or "The Eyre Affair"

Do you own an "I *heart* Mr.Rochester" t-shirt ( I know i am not the only one)

If I mention "HADDON HALL" you know why its important

can you name the actors who played Mr. Rochester in 1944, 1996, 1997 and 2006

Have you ever traved more than an hour to go see Jane Eyre on Stage

If you have answered yes to 5 or more of these.. well
just say

"Hi I'm ( insert your name here) and I'm an Eyreaholic

did you actually say it out loud???

Yea you got problems

