Why did they make Jasmine a stripper?
What narrative purpose did it serve? The same story beats of her at work, seeing destruction on TV and then trying to sway a co-worker from going to the alien welcome event could have occurred in any work setting. She could have been a receptionist,a teacher or an accountant; anyone with a job where there might be access to a television with co-workers nearby.
But for some reason, she was made into a stripper. Now, I have nothing against strippers or stripping for money in general. It's not like the brief scene where Will Smith's character is reminded that he will never get to fly a space shuttle if he marries a stripper is relevant. The movie is not about a talented fighter pilot who is unfairly held back from becoming an astronaut due to his relationship with a woman NASA finds unsavory in her choice of career. And let's not forget that after Jasmine and her kid survive the initial destruction, she never uses any "stripping" skills to survive. She drives a truck, rescues a few people and tends to a gravely wounded first lady but these skills are not stripper exclusives. Even though there is a brief mention of her stripping (exotic dancing?) during a scene with the first lady, it serves very little to enrich the scene. She could have felt sorry for her all the same for any dead-end job and not necessarily one that society views as shameful.