HoND fans, let us rejoice!

Granted, it's just one shirt, but it depicts a beautiful scene, and this might lead to new merch being released since it's consistently remained a top seller:


Unfortunately, her eyes appear to be teal instead of emerald, but hopefully that's only the lighting. It'd still be lovely, nonetheless :D


Yes! I've seen this! I love it! I hope they release other merch, too, bc I prob won't get the top. :D

Here comes the smolder...

I'm a Disnerd and proud

Resident Tangled expert


That's awesome, but I don't get why it's called "Come with Me Girls." I feel as though I'm missing something?

But I hope, like you, that this leads to more merchandise being available. Although, on the other hand, I hate trendy things and would be kind of annoyed if our underappreciated little gem of a Disney movie started being cool.


"Come With Me" referring to what Esmeralda said to Quasi in that scene. "Come with me. To the Court of Miracles. Leave this place." the "girls" just means the type of shirt and the cut, probably.

But I hope, like you, that this leads to more merchandise being available. Although, on the other hand, I hate trendy things and would be kind of annoyed if our underappreciated little gem of a Disney movie started being cool.

^^ never thought about that.. :p that would be unfortunate. But, I would be willing to put up with it if it means I can get an Esmeralda plushie doll ahha

Here comes the smolder...

I'm a Disnerd and proud

Resident Tangled expert


But, I would be willing to put up with it if it means I can get an Esmeralda plushie doll ahha

Got one! A couple months ago I went back to my childhood home and just randomly found a stuffed Esmeralda with a plastic face that my mom had bought way back in '96 and never even took out of the box. She let me have it because she knows how much I love the movie, and she basically just bought it as an emergency gift. I was quite pleased.


Oh, my gosh, you're so lucky!! IDK if you've seen, but the Disney store has full, soft plushies of the Disney Princesses (and some Princes). I really want an Esmeralda of that. But, still, that's awesome! One of my friends just found an Esmeralda doll in her basement (like a Barbie-doll type) and I was like

Here comes the smolder...

I'm a Disnerd and proud

Resident Tangled expert


Haha, thanks! I also ordered on eBay a really cute Hallmark Christmas ornament of Esmeralda and Phoebus. I had it out for a while not even as an ornament! Also have one of the finger puppets from Burger King somewhere. They don't make fast food toys like they used to!


stahp, so jealous ahahah. I bet eBay has lots of cool stuff. I need to get on there ahah.

Here comes the smolder...

I'm a Disnerd and proud

Resident Tangled expert


LOL. There was a pillowcase I really wanted, but I think it was used and that freaked me out a bit...


oooh... I don't blame you xD

Here comes the smolder...

I'm a Disnerd and proud

Resident Tangled expert


The only thing I dislike like about this shirt is that it isn't unisex. I'm a male and this is my favorite animated film of all time. I'd love to see a Frollo shirt. A screenshot from Hellfire would be too much. I don't think I'd be able to handle it, honestly, considering that I'm so used to this film being completely ignored by the Disney company. I truly don't understand why. It was a huge hit in original release, out-grossing both Hercules & Mulan. It got good critical notice. Siskel and Ebert both gave it four-star reviews and called it the best Disney movie since Beauty and the Beast. (Keep in mind, that Aladdin and The Lion King were also in that company.) I've read before that Michael Eisner, Disney CEO at the time, really championed Hunchback and called it his favorite of the Renaissance pictures. I wonder if the company's current treatment of the film stems from his relative unpopularity in the years since? (Mind you, this is just speculation.)

Either way, more Hunchback merch is a good thing. I don't care if the film suddenly did become 'trendy' to like. It's the same way I feel about The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Yeah, I've liked it from the beginning, even when it was unpopular to say so, and, it's annoying that people are embracing it years after the fact, but so what. I honestly wish this film would just EXPLODE in popularity (like Fantasia and Alice in Wonderland did. Both of which were completely dismissed in their own time.) and the Disney company would be FORCED to acknowledge this film and its fan base. At the moment, one can only hope for the occasional Hot Topic T-Shirt, a Vinylmation or (fingers crossed) a Funko Pop figure.


Michael Eisner has good taste, then.

I really don't understand the lack of popularity either. My best guess would be that most people who love the '90s renaissance movies still are the ones who grew up with them, and I think Hunchback was a little too dark and mature for many kids. It makes sense, because I feel as though I frequently see people on this board saying they didn't like it as a kid, but do now that they've rewatched it as an adult. So I think it has a bit of an identity crisis. It's a kids' movie that really has more appeal for adults. But since it's almost 20 years old now, most young kids probably aren't watching it if their parents don't consider it a classic, and there's a good chance they wouldn't even bother rewatching it as an adult if they have bad memories of it from childhood.

Me, I was deeply affected by it even as an 8-year-old. I liked the darkness and grandeur of it, and I also loved Esmeralda. She quickly became my favorite Disney female. But if you're just expecting a silly little movie about magic and castles and all the other stuff Disney capitalizes on, you might not.


I was born in 1991, so, I was prime age to watch the Renaissance films (if not in theaters then at least on home video) and Hunchback was my favorite even then. (Only Aladdin could challenge it at the time). I recall how HUGE the marketing was for these films. Not just this one, but ALL of them. Everywhere you went there were big displays of merchandise or tie-ins. The toy aisles would be overflowing with merchandise--action figures, figurines, dolls, play sets, costumes, etc.--Burger King and McDonald's had kid meal tie-ins. Hunchback, specifically, had one of the greatest Kid Meal tie-ins at Burger King. Those figures, along with Burger King's Lion King toys, were very nice and hold up even to this day as great action figures. I had the whole set and the deluxe puppets of Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Phoebus and Hugo as well. I had all the Mattel figures, I had the theatrical poster on my bedroom wall. I was Hunchback-hooked.

It was the first film I EVER saw in a theater in June of 1996 and it remains, to this day, one of my all-time favorite films, period. The only reason it has fallen into obscurity is because Disney doesn't market it. At all. If they marketed this film (and Hercules) I'm convinced those would easily become 'classics' in the eyes of the general public. Disney just has to take the initiative. I blame the Platinum & Diamond Edition line-ups. Before these two lines started, most of the canon was treated equally. But, now, it's pretty much become, "These are the only films we care about," and it's really depressing.


I liked Hercules a lot too, though probably not as much as Hunchback. I started to lose interest with Mulan. I think it just came across as trying too hard to be this female-empowerment thing, and the desperation on the part of Disney turned me off. A woman can be strong and tough and independent without actually being a freaking warrior. Just like Esmeralda!


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS!!!!! IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! I MUST PURCHASE IT IMMEDIATELY! We need ALL HoND fans to get on this so that they know we want MORE! I LOVE IT! YAY! I am rejoicing and celebrating! :D

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Tua Luce Dirige
