Should this movie have actually killed Esmerelda off?
I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand Esmerelda is my favorite Disney heroine and I wouldn't want to see her die. I also think it would potentially make the movie too depressing for most children.
But at the same time, something about the ending as is just doesn't sit right with me. In addition to the fact that fake-out deaths are a cheap way of creating drama, I have a really have a hard time buying that Quasimodo would just suddenly give Esmerelda and Pheobus his blessing and smile as they kissed each other. It just felt really out of character for him to be so happy for them and to suddenly act like his romantic feelings for her were no longer existent.
I'm fine with Esmerelda choosing Pheobus over Quasi since its realistic, but I will agree with those who say it does create the impression that only the hot guy can get the hot girl (which may be true, but its a bad message for kids). I think killing Esmerelda would have alleviated this problem. If she died, it would mean that neither Quasimodo or Pheobus could end up with her and it would make the whole issue of who she would choose irrelevant since viewers would be more preoccupied mourning Esmerelda's death than nitpicking the messages of the movie.
If she died, the movie could have shown Quasimodo and Pheobus bonding over their loss and end on a bittersweet note. For example Quasimodo could lament about how he feels like he failed Esmerelda in not being able to save her, but then Pheobus could point out that he didn't fail her because his actions saved Esmerelda's people (the gypsies). The final scene could end like it does in the actual movie with the crowd cheering for Quasimodo for saving the city.