A fitting end to Pinhead!

The way Pinhead was finally destroyed was very ingenius! They've taken Jason Voorhees and the Leprechaun into space and it didn't work as well or have as much to do with the story as it did with Bloodline! It was necessary that Dr. Merchant open the Lament Configuration in that space station to lure Pinhead and the other Cenobites into his trap and finally get rid of them once and for all! Pinhead and the Cenobites fell for it too and not to mention Pinhead being fooled by a hologram! And so Dr. Merchant pulled off what nobody else who's ever gone up against Pinhead had managed to do! Very fitting to have Pinhead killed off in such a away and by a descendant of the man who created the Lament Configuration and pretty much started it all!! Maybe not the best of the Hellraiser movies, but still a great movie! Not to mention, all the story they provide in this prequel and sequel in one!

Like Mötley Crüe said, "Girls, Girls, Girls"!



Truly... they killed the thing finally...

I'll be back


It was crap. Pinhead could no way be fooled by a hologram. He can see into people and their souls. He would think something was up when the inside of Lemarchard's decendent was empty. And they start killing people left right and center on the space station. Did the writer of this ever read the book or the first film? The cenobites are after one thing, pleasure. Even if their meaning is different from the human take on it. Frank in the book and the film got what he desired. Just not the way he pictured it.



In a way, I do agree with you, Jim Zombie 27. But, what I was wondering about this story was, whether Pinhead just "sees" into people's souls automatically, or he does it at will.
If it was at will, he may have not thought there was any way that John Merchant could fool him, because he already "knew" John's soul and everything about it. He no longer "needed" to look inside him.

Just a theory.......

I did like the ending. The light as a weapon was very appropriate.

