Continuity Problem?
Maybe I've missed something when I watched this, or maybe it's availabe in the Director's Cut that was never finished, but I haven't read anything about it yet so I wanted to throw it out there and see what anyone could come up with.
Ok, first we have to get a few facts down. Please, correct me if I'm wrong:
1. The box brings the Cenobites to punish (please) those who opened it, and Cenobites themselves are former humans who have opened the box.
--Therefore, no box, no Cenobites, correct?
2. When the box was first used, Anjelique appeared, circa 17-1800's.
--SO, Anjelique comes from hell to earth, and there are no Cenobites, because this is the first time the box has been used, right? And she is on earth until 1996, correct?
3. According to Hellraiser 3, "Pinhead" began as some sort of WWI (at the earliest) officer.
And here to my point. If "Pinhead" is "born" circa 191x's, and Anjelique escaped from hell c. 1796, wtf is with "Pinhead" and Anjelique's greeting at the beginning of the movie?
"Ahh, Anjelique, hell is much more ordered than in your time...and much less amusing," or something like that, is the line that "Pinhead" speaks once Anjelique's vicitim is killed and "Pinhead" emerges. Any thoughts? All I can figure is that Anjelique is some sort of legend in hell, but then again, "Pinhead's" greeting seems to be more familiar. Also, how the hell did Anjelique know about Cenobites? What's even harder to explain than how "Pinhead" knew Anjelique is how Anjelique knew "Pinhead." Anjelique has been walking earth since over 100 years before "Pinhead" was created.
Beyond all of that, this movie explains where the box came from, but when did it spit a demon out? Where in the timeline of the box does it exist to "pleasure" those who open it? Judging from the early scenes of Hellraiser 2, it's easy to assume that other demons were responsible for creating Cenobites, as well as Cenobites themselves, but it seems strange that the box somehow changed it's function between it's first use at the beginning of Bloodline up until at the very latest when Elliot Spencer opened it and became "Pinhead."
I'm sorry, it's long, I know. But it's been driving me crazy.