Angelique's reluctance?
When Jacques orders Angelique to kill L'Merchant, she has a look of almost worry on her face for a moment. She seems like she doesn't want to kill the toy maker, but I could be just reading too far into it. Maybe she was just upset that she has to follow orders? But then again, when she finds John Merchant in 1996, she appears pleased and doesn't try to kill him right away. Actually, Pinhead is the one who wants to kill him, while Angelique seems to just want John to open a portal rather than take his life. I don't know... I guess I want to think Angelique was intrigued by John as the creator of the box instead of just wanting to slaughter him. What do you guys think?
"The unopened package was a waterproof, solar-powered, satelite phone"- Robert Zemeckis, Cast Away