
Does anyone know if Adam has ever considered doing a sequel to happy Gilmore?


Considering its still my favorite Sandler movie, I would've loved a sequel, just maybe not now. If he did another Gilmore instead of Big Daddy, would've only been 3 years later, it would've worked. Could've brought back the same actors, Bob Barker was still in great shape and could do another cameo (Barker still is in good shape today though :)).

No idea what the story would be.. could be Shooter returning to pro tour after a 3 year suspension to seek revenge and Happy has become a top ten golfer, and after happy has won 5 tourneys, he says in a live interview to "suck my D*ck, Bob Barker" and the two would square off at Summerslam 1999 in the WWF.

Hoo woo woo woo, do it hit hit, Gitter! Ooo ooo ott too OOO! Snuffer eet HOO doo!


I still wouldn't mind a sequel. Sandler's still not too old and in okay shape. He could easily portray Happy towards the end of his golfing career or something.

Happy Gilmore 2 is what I've wished for ever since this movie came out. Out of all of Sandler's movies, it would definitely the easiest to write a sequel to.


Do wonder what the sequel would be about. My guess would be that happy is happily married to virgina and has a good golf career. However I am guessing that his grandmother passes away and Gavin returns wanting revenge against happy for humiliating him. It would be funny to see bob barker and mr Lawson again.


Well no one cares a crap about Sandler otherwise these days, so a sequel to his bet film would be great!


Before Grown Ups Sandler didn't do sequels. If he had more known actors he may have.
