How did Amy have a driver's license if she was a freshman in high school? At best she'd be 15. 15 was, until recently, old enough to have a learner's permit but a driver's license??
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus." "Didn't he discover America?" "Penfold, shush."
so if she wasn't even old enough to drive why did her parents let her drive and have a car. I am from the uk and you have to be 17 to learn even!! If you got caught driving without license you could be in a LOT of trouble. is it not the same in USA?
That puzzled me as well, how her parents could be that dumb. The movie took place in Oklahoma and in that state, to get a permit, you have to be 15 years and 6 months of age, to hold a junior license, 16. From what I understand that hasn't changed in recent years. In another goof, the lady from the car dealership calls and asks for Amy's social security number for insurance papers (I'm assuming on the CAR, why else would the car lady be calling) and that's when the Mom goes into her purse and finds the picture of Coach Nash. You can't insure a driver that isn't legal yet. DUHHH!
So this little tart is driving around in a turquoise Mustang convertible (hel-LO....can we say 'STAND OUT'?), illegally. The only explanation I can come to is that the parents, particularly the father, want her to be popular.....a VERY typical theme in these Lifetime movies. I just don't understand how 2 people can be so stupid. I don't even blame the girl. At that age, I'd be like WOO-HOOOOOO! But the parents really had their heads up their asses.
This happened in the early 90s. When I was a teen in around that time where I lived let you get your learners permit at 14 and actual license at 15. This was in MS.
I’ll also add I knew a number of young jr high school students & early high school students who drove themselves to school and their siblings. They did this because their parents had to go to work. One friend even dropped off her mom at work then went to school
I grew up in MS. Back then teens got their learners license at 14 and full license at 15. So I’m assuming this was the way it was where this happened and her parents let her drive. I had friends who drove unsupervised at 14. Some like in this movie had their own car. It was easier on the parents because they would drive themselves to school and their siblings to school. Some parents had rules about driving was only allowed to and from school but of course many broke those rules