Scary...people i also watched it on the beeb a couple of nights ago and it was far from scary...its was the sort of film made for tv that scares housewives in the bible belt of the US...come on i was laughable more then anything else...
Im 15 and nearly 16 and my boyfriend is 24, although we havent done anything yet. my mum hates him and she kept making comments through the movie.... but its very different .. he isnt my teacher and we both luv each other and wont do anythin till im older and most importantly till im ready. in teh movie she didnt seem to feel the same way he did .. also he obviously forced her into havin sex .. in age gap relationships i find this wrong ... but if both people love each other and both concent why should it be such a big problem ... i mean romeo and juliette ... dont hear much complainin about them and she was 14 and he was an adult ..
ok...i think some ppl on this board are over-exagerrating. this isnt THAT great a film. i thought it was your typical midday movie. i just realised that gary cole who plays coach nash is the same guy who plays Mike Brady in the brady bunch films! lol WEIRDDDDDDD.
jenny_bunny89: in the end of the film, nash gets jailed for (only) five months with 10 yrs probation. amy and her mother are still pushing to lenghten his sentence but you never actually see the end results of their case. it just says that the jury had concluded that nash had 'abused his power'. that was it.
I got together with my now-husband when I was 15 and he was 21. If you do decide to be physical, please use the pill and condoms, you don't wanna have to have a kid while in highschool. I love my son, but it would've been so much easier to have him after highschool. I have like permanent dark circles under my eyes, LOL. We've heard lots of crap said about us, but we've been together for over 8 years now, still going strong.
one question.... so now that time has passed ... are u still with ur BF?
i bet not, not becuz im bein a mean, but becuz i did the same thing at 16, stupiddddd. young ppl make foolish mistakes, get burned and realize later how much it complicated their lives way more than it actually needed to be...
pete nash was gross and took advantage of a young student. he acted like a wolf. some ppl ARE scary!
No 24-year-old guy should be dating a 15-year-old girl. Sorry but that's not real love. It's the same kind of love that the coach in this movie had. Any guy who does this has issues.
I really liked For My Daughter's Honor. Amy and Coach Nash were in love with eachother. Amy was scared to tell anyone that she having an affair with Coach Nash. Amy's Mom found the picture of Coach Nash in Amy's purse and Amy's Mom knew right then that something was wrong with Amy.
Amy was in love but coach nash was "in love" no man can love a 14 yr old especially if u have a family of your own n A DAUGHTER the same age u know? its sick i really like the movie cuz it shows how pathetic some ppl can be all over football and sadly its never gonna stop young girls can be so naive
First of all Love knows no age. If the man is smart he will wait so he can be on the right side of the law, unless he is in a country where the age of consent is 13. What if the was 40 and had a 20 yr old daughter and fell in love with her best friend who was also 20 would you still be calling him a creep? Yes, I think he was wrong because he used his power to control her, but I do believe if both people are genuinely in love and respect each other these relationships are okay.
Secondly, Lifetime is such a joke of a network. If anyone of you who have seen the Mary Kay Letourneu story will know exactly what I mean. They portrayed her as victum who was wronged by the law, even though she had sex with her 12 yr old student, and then they show a movie like this with the man displayed as a sexual predetor who did the same thing with a 14 yr old student. Lifetime is nothing but a sexist piece of crap, and this is coming from a woman.
I agree with you about You don't choose who you fall in love with but I also agree with springwater16 If the man is smart he will wait so he can be on the right side of the law but more times then not, They DONT wait, BOTH Male Adults and Female Adults.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When a relationship doesn't work out, I call that a relation$HIT"~Dane Cook
I'm sorry but there is a line that you don't cross! If you are an adult and you fall in love with someone who's under 18, there's something seriously wrong with you, regardless of the circumstances and the situations!!! I disagree with you and that ellie clown!!! Don't subilminalry push the paedophille agenda!!! That's totally sick and reckless!!!
this kind of stuff always happens at my teacher got fired for having some girls on his myspace & i think..but im not for sure about it...that he would bring them drugs and things. And he would always flirt with everybody. He was an ass...& it wasn't just all that stuff...he was jsut an ass...that is how you would describe him. But anyways a lot of people in my junior high school (im now in high school) were fired for rumors about that.
"All guilt is relative. Loyalty counts. And never let your conscience be your guide."
It is awful what happened, but I don't think these TV movies really get into the details.
I was a 14 year old girl once and me and my girlfriends used to have crushes on our teachers, we'd flirt with them, act a little more playful just for 10 seconds of attention. They should show that because I can bet that's what happened.
The Coach was obviously a sick individual who should've got much longer than 5 months.
Also, I've seen the image of the criminal so for a film based on TRUTH why cast the handsome Gary Cole? it's hard to hate him when he's that handsome.