Most Racist Movie EVER!
Wow. Where to begin....this movie is so racist that I was surprised that it was made before 9/11.
and not only was it racist, but it was *beep* movie too.
Wow. Where to begin....this movie is so racist that I was surprised that it was made before 9/11.
and not only was it racist, but it was *beep* movie too.
Yeah it was racist, and crap... but Hally Berry was hot, and thats all that mattered.
Review AE &
Wow. Where to beginBy all means, begin! Not that I expect a reply.
I know, Arabs have never hijacked airplanes before. The producers were just making *beep* up.
sharePrior to 9/11, which happened five years *after* "Executive Decision" was made, how many US based airliners were hijacked by Arab terrorists?
I'll give you a hint. The number is small enough that you can count it on the fingers of just one hand.
Prior to 9/11, which happened five years *after* "Executive Decision" was made, how many US based airliners were hijacked by Arab terrorists?
I'll give you a hint. The number is small enough that you can count it on the fingers of just one hand.
Who the fuck cares it's rare. It has happened, so why is racist or unrealistic to use it as a subject for a movie.
shareThere is always some do-gooder fool predictably crying "racist!" about a movie like this.
The OP seems to forget the scene where the rest of the hijackers attempted a mutany because they did not share their leader's fanaticism. Yes, even this "racist" movie made an attempt to be politically balanced to a degree.
Not only is this a well executed action flick with a superb cast, it was oddly prophetic. Grow a brain OP!
He's much more than a do-gooder fool. This person and other like him is the very reason why civilized society is unable to win against fanatic Islam. He's not a fool. He's an enabler. He helps the enemies of democracy turn western societies into Fascism.... slowly but surely. He does so very cleverly by turning our own sense of decency against ourselves.
He's part of the propaganda wing of Islamic fascism. Personally I consider him an enemy just as much as the more "hands on" terrorists. And I wouldn't underestimate him by calling him a fool.
So you don't think "The birth of a Nation" aka "The Clansmen" was a more Racist movie?
share...or School of Rivalry. Or The Passion of Christ. Valley of Wolves, Red Dawn, Red Scorpion, Rambo 2 + 3, Rocky 4, nearly every single western before Dances with Wolves, Bangkok Knockout. Yeah, Executive Decision is more racist then all of them together. Granted, it has an kickass Asian, an kickass Latino and a couple of kickass black guys, but damnit, there are five evil Arabs. That makes this movie sooooooo racist.
Let me hear you make decisions, without your television
The film is refreshingly un-PC. Let's face it, Muslim extremists are the most likely terrorists.
As for the kick ass, multi-cultural team, "kick ass Asian" should read "kick ass gay Asian". Even more PC!
"kick-ass alternative lifestyle Asian"
shareBoyz n the Hood isn't racist for portraying true life, same goes with Arab terrorists in films.
share Racist because the hijackers are Arab? There are some that are. Did you feel the producers were implying that ALL Arabs are terrorists? Because I didn't get that impression at all.
Having a villain that's a minority doesn't make a film racist. Someone has to play the bad guys. The five actors listed in the credits as "terrorists" include:
--An Egyptian
--An Englishman
--2 Americans
--and someone whose Primary Citizenship is listed as American.
If I'm coming across as an a$$hole, it's unintentional. I just don't see any racism here, unless I'm missing something.
Not to mention the very-PC commando distribution (black, asian, hispanic)
Not a bad idea, but then you'll get someone screaming "racist" because the leader or second-in-command is white. Or someone will call the character a "token white guy". Sad truth is, there are people (and a lot of them) that will see racism everywhere they look. And they'll never admit that that's a pretty racist trait.
shareThe Muslims made their own reputation. Hollywood didn't make it for them.
"racist"? Yeah, we know Arab nationals would never hijack, take hostages, kill innocents, threaten America...
As we speak Hamas (and their supporters like Syria, Iran) are lobbing missiles into Israel. America has been attacked dozens of times in various ways (overseas at embassies, military sites, buses bombed, 9/11, the previous WTC bombing that thankfully wasn't as damaging, the USS Cole, etc.)
Why do you quit being an apologist for these goons and examine the truth for a change!
Yes. And we all know, that the Americans would never invade other countries, only to get their hands on their oil. And we know, that American soldiers would never go on a rampage and kill innocent civilians and burn their babies and small children to death. And they would never threaten other countries.
Why don't you quit being an apologist for these goons and examine the truth for a change?
Let me hear you make decisions, without your television
Yes, America has invaded other countries- usually in response to something that country has done (or in Iraq's case failed to give up WMD). I was never as comfortable with the Iraq invasion, especially as we were already bogged down in one war. However, I fully supported the invasion of Afghanistan. We were attacked on 9-11 by terrorists whom the government there gave aid & comfort to. When a country is attacked and over 3,000 innocent people are murdered then a forceful response is called for. The Iraq invasion, in my opinion, could have waited.
BUT, terrorists like the ones in Executive Decision always use innocent people to get their way. You don't see Americans going overseas with bombs strapped onto the waist or using children as weapons (with bombs attached to them). Even now as we try to help Afghanistan build schools, government facilities, and modernize their resources our soldiers are still being shot at and killed for no reason than blind hatred.
Those who continually proclaim Islam is a "religion of peace" need to ask then why is blood on their hands?
The very same blood that christians have on their hands.
And please don't put terrorists and innocent civilians on one level.
By the way: it was pretty hard for Iraq to give up something, that never existed in the first place.
Let me hear you make decisions, without your television
That's deflection, you fucking dumbass. If anyone is an apologist, it's you.
So the writers chose a plot about an extremist who wanted to execute mass genocide on cities in eastern America using a hijacked plane. Why is that racist. Prophetic perhaps?
Order this guy a "whaaaa-mburger and French Cries".
Hi, I'm Chandler... could I BE wearing any more clothes???