The straw? REALLY?!?!

i went through all the pages of this discussion board just to make sure no one else brought this up, and frankly i'm surprised that nobody did!


but remember when Oliver Platt's character had to defuse the bomb at the end by sticking a straw between two metal points through the laser field? if the trigger man DIDN'T detonate the bomb and the two points never closed on the straw, what was he going to do? hold the straw there between the points just in case? would he have to hold it completely still in that laser field until the plane takeover was successful? that's a pretty crappy defusing plan!


Hold the straw between the metal clamps and deliberately break the lasers to make them join together.



Hold the straw between the metal clamps and deliberately break the lasers to make them join together.

My thought exactly

Besides, how can anyone criticize this plot point - ANY contrivance should be sufficient because of how awesome the payoff is

When Demou "detonates" and the contacts slam shut, Oliver Platt's reaction is one of my all time favorite movie moments


Why people focus so much on this kind of useless details when they watch action movies? This is not meant to make sense, this is made to entertain you. So, enjoy your ride man! I'm not a fan of action movies, but I'm definitely a fan of this one! Just like Cliffhanger, an unltimate adrenaline rush!


Why people focus so much on this kind of useless details when they watch action movies? This is not meant to make sense, this is made to entertain you. So, enjoy your ride man! I'm not a fan of action movies, but I'm definitely a fan of this one! Just like Cliffhanger, an unltimate adrenaline rush!

First of all, paying attention to these "useless", as you wrote, details is a part of the fun for many people, especially those who come here and discuss a movie after they've seen it.

Second, the audience is more intelligent and informed than before. If moviemakers won't take care the details, any details, a lot of people will be bothered. Suspension of disbilief is one thing (ok the spaceship has landed and some extraterrestrials came out) and simple details which are defying logic (like the battery of a camcorder to last for 20 hours!) is another.

I am an M.D. and it really bothers me to watch "fake" mumbo-jumbo medicine in the movies. Lots of people nowadays have college/university education and they know things. Such details (which although minor might be also critical for the plot) could ruin the whole movie for them.

Cosmos hates Google.


Yeah, I totally agree with you. But as you said yourself, nowadays it's like that, but this movie is over 20 years old. Nowadays I feel like even the directors of action films (put aside Michael Bay) are more careful with the accuracy in the information they give or the actions the characters do. But if you watch an action flick from the 80s early 90s, they didn't care much about logic. It was mostly fests of explosions and fights. I understand your point, though.
