Things I learned Watching D3
1: You can roll down long distances backwards on rollerskates without falling, nor crashing.
2: There's also safe to bend down and untangle a hose in speed, spin around, skate on one foot in traffic and jump off a bridge.
3: After the jump, you will land on a road beneath the bridge, where you will reunite with your teammates.
4: Averman is always wrong when he shouts out words starting with a "W".
5: The Ducks don't practice per se, they play or play around. Still they win almost every game they play.
6: Gordon and Charlie can open a door sadly.
7: The first-choice goalie gladly takes food-advice from the more or less overweight backup.
8: Anaheim Mighty Ducks were named after them, a pee wee hockey team
9: If you're doing tricks with the puck on your stick while attacking, no one will bodytackle you.
10: If someone catches the knucklepuck with their glove, they spin around and ends up throwing the puck into their own goal. The shot is that hard.
11: If the opposing team play the puck behind your goal, Goldberg will follow
12: Charlie suddenly is the best player on the team - and he also has gotten a real bad temper.
13: Aparently, Varsity sucks ice
14: When you're lurking around in the rivals dorm at night, it's normal to wear sunglasses