Theories on why no Jesse Hall
We've all heard the rumors. Brandon Adams was busy doing guest spots on TV shows and other films or he wasn't asked to come back because Kenan became the "token" black guy on the team. Too bad Jesse had a brother in D1 undermining the "token rule". And Kenan joined in D2. So I think "yes" it was him doing TV shows, but he was one of the most appealing characters on the team next to Charlie, Fulton, Goldberg, hot little Connie and Banks. But why not push to have one of the best players and "actors" in the series of movies come back for the finale? And I also noticed in D3, Charlie took elements of Jesse in the film. He calls Banks "cake eater". A term only Jesse used in D1 and D2. Charlie magically is a great sharp shooter after being one of the worst players in the first two films. Charlie leads the flying "V", something Jesse did in D1 and D2. And last but not least, Charlie has serious temper problems, just like Jesse did in D1 and D2. I guess only the cast and writer Steven Brill have the answer to why Jesse wasn't involved or even spoken of. The scene in D3 when Charlie and Fulton talk about Bombay and Portman leaving, Charlie could have easily said "And Jesse's not coming either. His dad told him he has to work and concentrate on school and not hockey". Real simple "Steven Brill and Disney". That's what's wrong with sequels when they "misplace" characters. You forget the people who love film and watch every portion of it and know when the filmmakers have messed up. I could care less what happened to Peter Mark, Karp, Tammy and and Tommy Duncan and Terry Hall(even though Jesse continued in D2), they didn't bring anything to the film. Jesse Hall did, he was an essence of the series. If you do D4, bring Jesse back DISNEY! Kenan couldn't carry that film as the black kid in D3. You played like two games in D2. I didn't buy it. That's my final word.