My Favourite Film

This would still have to be my favourite film of all time. It changed my life. I watched it two nights in a row and would have watched it again but I leant it to someone else to watch.

It changed my life because firstly, for a while, I stopped watching violent gun-driven films with good guys and bad guys and watched more nuanced narratives without black-and-white story-lines.

I then realised that I had should make my own life as interesting as the films I was watching. Cinema shouldn't be a substitute for ones own life but a companion for your life. .

So my life did get more interesting, no I didn't get into car crashes. That is not the pint of the film. It is about the subjective experience and freedom, often coming after tragedy. these are empowered characters who may otherwise be considered crippled or disabled. they are able to do things most people wouldn't consider. Whether those things are good/bad isnt the point either. They are controlling their destiny, creating culture and experimenting in the outer reaches of what is possible.

We should all do that more, look at out lives and wonder if we are just going with the flow. Life can be interesting, exciting and rewarding - and such can be found in your own unique decisions and choices. Create your own philosophy or you will simply be handed one.

Thank you JG Ballard, David Cronenberg and everyone involved who made such an exceptional film.


Review of CRASH -
