Contradictions...Il logical?! Sounds human to me!
I read a thread by some totally non-hypocritical, completely logical, thoroughly consistant non-human, that goes by 'steve-thomp' who rants about how Gene Hackman's character is inconsistant, contradictory and illogical. Isn't it true, 'to err is human.' It's also possible to be a hypocrit, which I believe we all are to some degree (myself included). It also may be that his macho, in your face racist exterior is a front because he's afraid to show his true feelings for others. And again, he may have come to realize the error(s) of his ways and decides to get real. Why can't some people pull there heads out to see their own contradictions (hypocracy), inconsistancies (fickleness), lack of logic (pure emotion - got this from Spock of the late T.V. series 'Star Trek') and stop judging others who don't act the way they think they should? It was heartwarming to see the change of heart by this man about to meet his maker. Why do some people have to be so anal-ytical and overly rational when watching a movie? It's a shame but true, many people actually do behave irrationally in real life and the movies. I really hope 'steve-thomp' reads this.