A big Disappointment!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
One of John Grisham's worst novels and the movie was even more worse than the book. The actors did not deliver.
shareOne of John Grisham's worst novels and the movie was even more worse than the book. The actors did not deliver.
shareThat's a pretty deep and thorough analysis there, Swifty. Bet your teachers don't waste a lot of time marking your essays, do they?
shareI thought the book was awesome, but the movie was poorly adapted. Too much diversion from the book.
I did however enjoy seeing the characters come to life on the screen, and thought the main players were incredibly well cast.
The main disappointments i had with the movie that differed from the book:
1. Lee going to see Sam in prison...wtf. This doesn't happen in the book, in fact, her not going to see him was one of the main plotlines at the end of the book.
2. The whole thing with Adam going to meet Rollie Wedge at a Klan rally and getting beaten up. That was retarded.
3. Adam staying with his aunt in the book throughout the whole ordeal was a big part of the book too. He stays in a hotel in the movie.
I also that the movie did a pitiful job of showing the transformation of the relationship between Sam and Adam that occurs over the course of the book.
"the movie was even more worst"??????
You really have some nerve bashing this book and movie when you cannot even put a proper sentence together!!!!!!!!!