MovieChat Forums > Campfire Tales Discussion > 'People can lick too' Question.

'People can lick too' Question.

What exactly was this man's intention, anyway? Was it really just to scare a young girl for a few minutes after killing her dog? To befriend her for weeks or months online, hiding in bushes video taping her, just to lick her hands before watching her run away, not even attempting to catch her or hurt her?

Maybe I watch too many forensic shows and documentaries, but usually men with that sort of stalker background end up being pedophiles, rapists, kidnappers, murderers. Not just boogeymen who kill dogs, write a snarky message in blood and disappear.

Anyone else find it odd..?


sicko. anyway, in the wraparound story one of the guys says something like "so if you ever go on a chatboard and Jessica logs on, get the hell off it" - and I was thinking "wow, the internet must have been A LOT smaller back in 1997, because nowadays there would be MILLIONS of 'Jessica's' online!"

Definition of troll on IMDb - anyone who expresses a view different to mine.


Yes, it was implied, but I don't know why he'd hide under the bed or kill her dog if that was his intention, that's what I'm trying to say. Very poorly executed on his part, and much less scary than being raped and murdered on top of finding your dog's corpse. Not to lessen the blow of the dog murder, I just found this version of the legend to be hard to believe.

And yeah, the internet was definitely small in 1997, that's before chat rooms were really a big deal, and online social networking didn't really exist yet. The dark ages.


We only saw this attempt, and bare in mind, we didn't get to see how this ended. Considering this guy had a whole tape of the girl, he had future plans for her. It's probably the shortest segment of the movie, and that's the one that could have been developed more.

"We have guided missiles and misguided men."


I speculate it was because the sister suddenly came back home earlier than expected, so he had to split before getting caught. Her seeing the mirror was probably his cue to appear and do (shudder) whatever, but when she ran screaming for her sister, he aborted the mission, but put her dead dog in his place to let them know he was there. That's my guess.
Very interesting to have a horror story about pedophiles on the World Wide Web coming and terrifying little girls in 1997. Nowadays it's everyday news, sadly. But this is the earliest film I've come across that harnessed that very real fear into a segment of a horror anthology movie.


he was a pedophile. but they thought it'd be in poor taste to set the young girl up for rape/molestation/etc. the implication is there. but they went the urban legend route, instead. it's like asking why the guy with the hook hand bothered trying to scare the couple instead of tearing their throats out.


It is an urban legend and it's not supposed to technically make real world fact their telling is less scary than the actual tale.

In the actual tale it's a woman who lives along who wakes up in the middle of the night when she hears a noise. She calls out to see if anyone is there (in some tellings she might get up and look around). Anyway, she doesn't do all the searching the girl does in this movie.

Then she lays back down and puts her hand over the side of the bed so the dog will lick her hand to reassure her...she does not see the man licking her hand or the sign at this time...that makes it much less scary...what makes the real version scary is that the woman wakes up the next morning to find the dead dog hung in her shower and the words written in blood on her bathroom mirror but the guy is gone.

To me, it's much more terrifying that the guy came in and did all those things without her knowing and left. How can she feel safe after that? I mean you would have to move...I would.

=Last time I taught, I was like Robin Williams in Dead Poets which I mean I got fired=


Yeah, I didn't get it either. He had her dead to rights several times. I get why he waited when she was playing soccer outside since her sister was still there. But he knew she was going to be alone. When Amanda was in the garage, he could've killed her there.
Not sure was his ultimate plan was. He licked her and then ran away when he may have been able to kill the sister too. I don't get it.


I know it may be inappropriate but did anyone else find that scene hilarious?
