Im Sorry this is one of JIM Carreys BEST!! 10/10
ok i never got it as a kid, but 10 years later,... i think ben stiller should re-release this, it was just ahead of its time. Haters, try watching it now... its amazing man. The cable guy is utterly insane! I completely got his character, hes just a Complete NuttEr! hahaa... Its well paced, well filmed, Lots of jimbo at his best and wackiness! Its Bonkers man, Probably even more wacky than the ace ventura character. ive never laughed so much at a jimbo film, and i understood his character and felt his pain and anguish and .....oh man..
i do feel that, because it got a bad review years ago, people watched it with a bad expectation and therefore hated it before they watched it. But watch it again with a clear head and make your own judgement...if your a fan of jim carrey, your in for a real treat!!
a masterpeice ... the comedy is in the NOW man