Nearly perfect!
This movie not only holds up well but IMO is a nearly perfect comedy and probably one of the best remakes ever made.
One of my favorite elements are the throwaway lines that are so awesome like when the TV producer in the studio sees video of the fat reporter who works for the enquirer and says "god he's put on a lot of weight since the simpson trial"... omg that cracks me up every time.
and when the reporter in the TV van wants her driver to just block the traffic she says "we're the press" or something to that affect.
When lane dressed as the woman says to hackman she thinks the scandal he's involved in was a setup and he says "That's just what Rush Limbaugh said"... on a side note it's scary that fat jerk 20 plus years later is still poisoning people's ears while robin and mike nichols are gone.
But so many good points here about politics, the media, family that all still connects to today.
The one thing that some have written about that never felt right is how val acts. nathan lane IS his mother yet he treats him really bad... when he says we didn't need an uncle as lane runs away it's so cold and heartless... then he tells barbra how albert is not his mom then a few minutes later he admits it and says to the senator "this is my mother"... but the coldness before that scene is odd.
And yes calista is 31 playing an 18 year old but come on that chick is so skinny she totally passes for that...
dinae weist amazing
gene hackman hysterical
hank azaria so awesome
robin and lane were so perfect together
The dance scene where robin directs the hot young dancer... wow!
The bowls.
So many great scenes, lines, moments up until and including the credits... "bob dole is gorgeous" lol