MovieChat Forums > Bio-Dome (1996) Discussion > They have to know it's stupid ...

They have to know it's stupid ...

What amazes me with movies like BIO-DOME is at some point the director and producer have to realize what a worthless piece of work the movie is. I watched perhaps 10 minutes ... it was the scene where Bud (Shore) and Doyle (Baldwin) are planning to go with their girls to some event and the guys decide to horse around and Doyle ends up suffering a near concussion. The scene could've been funny but it was stupid and Shore and Baldwin did a great job of over acting. Dumb and DUMMER was funny ... BIO-DOME had no humor just a script that tries to be funny.


pointless comments if u only saw ten minuites. also they wasnt horsing around they were trying to injure themselves to get out of helping pick litter.


You have got to get a sense of humor. This movie is hysterical! It's the same kind of movie as Wierd Science, Revenge of the Nerds, etc. It's SUPPOSED to be stupid. It's the level of stupidity that makes it genious.


I think movies like this are funny only if you do -not- have a sense of humor. For the first 10 minutes, I thought it was kinda funny. But after scene after scene after scene of simple forumula slapstick -- without any actual "wit" involved, just acting gay, wearing loud clothes, insulting and mocking people, and the pointless, intentional destruction of everything in site, I just got disgusted and bored.

Only thing I got out of this movie was the name "Pauly Shore". I saw another of his movies a while back which wasn't quite as bad, but his character played the same type of individual -- an *beep*

That guy's even worse than Adam Sandler. Narcissistic humor must appeal to somebody.


I think that a movie of this sort i supposed to be stupid. Why must there always be someone who remarks this on all these kinds of movies? Not every movie has to have a deeper meaning if it's only purpose is to entertain. This movie (and other movies like it) are supposed to entertain with stupid characters and a silly plot. That doesn't mean that the filmmakers or those who watch it are stupid for thinking it's a good movie. I love this movie, but I can still love movies with a deeper plot that makes you think for yourself. But after a hard days work I might want to relax with a movie like this...

So please stop remarking on these kinds of movies. I am sure that the filmmakers know it's stupid, and that this was the whole point of it. There is a market for all sorts of movies, even movies like Biodome.


It is painful to see them try to act funny

I really did cringe at some of the things they said...and how they said it.

"Nobody messes with Adam We"


I thought it was OK, I knew it was a "stoner" movie like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and others, but I actually thought it was worth a laugh, since I do like stupid movies.


It could have fallen into the "so bad it's good" category had Pauly Shore been able to make it through ANY line in the movie without cracking up. Even he doesn't take it seriously.

Also, kind of a major plot-hole when there just happens to be a exit at the back of the place that NO-ONE else knows about, even the people who, I don't know, BUILT it???

There's also so many random, out of nowhere scenes. Petra going down on a carrot? Why? Is Stephen Baldwin guessing what Pauly Shore ate by smelling farts supposed to be funny? Why would the crew hide "normal food" in a Biohazard container? In a place that big are we really supposed to believe the only place for Bud and Doyle to sleep is a storage closet and there's only one extra pillow and blanket so Doyle has to use a garbage bag and mop? Well, of course not. They're random plot devices. But what's supposed to be funny about those things?

I understand the concept of a "no-brainer" movie, but you have to at least attempt to have some of it make logical sense.
