Bill and Ted 3

I find it trippy that this was what Bill and Ted 3 was, Keanu and Alex Winter declined to reprise their roles so the scripted was tweaked and recasted as this.


I think the script was changed a TON since this doesn't resemble a Bill & Ted movie whatsoever.

"We Came to Vegas Looking for Strippers and Cocaine"


I agree. There are aspects sometimes where I see where it could have been BILL and TED.

I think had it remained Bill and Ted the plot would have had something to do with Bill and Ted saving the rain forest or something. After all in

1-they went back in time

2-they went to Heaven and Hell the rain forest??!

shame it became this movie though....


not related


I imagine the shade of stupidity would've been a tad different than bio dome, more rock n roll based.
