Great movie endings - UNSUNG
Here's my list. Let's leave out the "Fight Club"s, the "Carrie"s and the whole Shyamalan oeuvre. Not surprise endings necessarily, but endings that reflect the film as a whole and leave the viewer satisfied.
"Big Night" - One simple, unbroken shot with little dialogue - a man makes an omelet to share with his brother. Bogart and Bergman would always have Paris. Primo and Secondo will always have food.
"Eddie and the Cruisers" - So-so movie, but the final shot redefines everything.
"Ruthless People" - The kidnapped heiress runs off with her kidnappers, screwing over her lousy husband in the process. Clever use of a dead body, too. (Why doesn't Dale Launer get more movies made - he's great.)
"Nashville" - A country star is assassinated. There's chaos, panic - until an aspiring star calms the audience with a song, and everyone joins in.
"The Player" - Robert Altmans nose-thumbing to Hollywood. The Bad Guy (the main character) gets away with murder, and greenlights a movie about how he did it. The last spoken words: "Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyaaaaaah!"
"The Third Man" - Another long, unbroken shot. Harry Lime is dead, and his former lover, loyal to a fault, passes up his friend rather than betray Lime's memory.
"Babe" - "That'll do, pig."
"Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!"