the 1950's...?

Was it just me or did this movie not at all feel like a period, at all?? To me it felt like it took place when it came out, 1995-96. I know it was a low-budget affair, but the clothing, mannerisms, EVERYTHING just didn't feel "period" to me.

so...what? Is it just me on this??


I had the same thought. As I looked at the vehicles, I thought they want us to believe this is a fifties movie or even further back. Also I thought the music ( jazz music) would have been most popular in by gone days. But the movie felt totally current. I did not sense at all, even with those two things to go on, that this movie was from another era. I loved every minute of the film though!!


It was definitely set in the 50's. The cars, the hairstyles, the clothing, the incessant smoking, all 50's.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
