Naughty-God, I agree with everything you said. What makes this film so great for me is that I know many people from my past that are exactly like these fictional characters. I bet you everyone knows the Matt Dillion character from high school, the guy who was cool but now works some crap job and if you ever sat down with him for a beer all his stories would start and end with high school or the past, if you ask him about present day or the future he would just look at you with a blank look on his face. This film has great screenplay. A sequel would never work, the main theme of the film is a bunch of guys stuck in a small town, working dead end jobs, and living in the past with zero chance for happiness in the future. You just know that the piano player is going to grow and probably not want too revisit. If people really thought how pathetic and lost in the past these characters are now, just wait for the 25 year reunion. A sequel would really be depressing. I could just see it now, all the characters are bald, fat, out of shape, working dead end jobs and bitching and moaning about their health going south as well has their hairlines. A sequel with a 50 year old Matt Dillion trying too pick up a 20 year old at his friends pub would be pathetic. A 50 year old paul, with super model pictures all over his wall, still plowing snow, know thanks.
The thing you said about moving on from childhood friends and Facebook is reality. I just meet a guy that was a childhood friend, hadn't seen him in about 15 years, hate this *beep* with a passion, he's one of those losers that even those he's successfull he has zero class, asked for my email and phone number but the reality is he had know intentions of ever contacting me, I don't understand why people need to go throw that crap when there never going too call you? He asked me if I keep in touch with anyone from the childhood, I said no, he then mentions how great facebook is for reconnecting, so I go on facebook and recognize some old names, but the the faces look completely different, I just don't see the point in reconnecting with childhood friends, if I really liked you I would've never lost touch with you too begin with. What's really pathetic about facebook is all the losers that claim too have 500+ friends lol.