Rosies Best Movie

I know her resume of movies doesn't really consist of 5 star callibur films however, I find "Beautiful Girls" her best role. Granted this movie is 12 years old and a lot has happend since she made this film but I wish the old Rosie would go back to this type of film. I know her fan base has changed but who knows, I think that it would do her a lot of good to make a movie like this one!


I agree. I laugh out loud every single time I watch this movie, especially when she berates Dillon's and Hutton's characters in the store. What a great movie!


that scene in the store was a tour de force. probably the acting highlight of the movie for how many lines she had to blurt out while walking all around and hittign her marks. made me appreciate her in a new light.


She annoys the crap out of me, but back when this came out I really liked her part and her acting, and I just saw it again and I still like her in it. So I agree, as much as it pains me to like anything with Rosie O'Donnell ever did.


I'm going to go with A League of Their Own as her best.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?



I cannot stand her, but she was okay in this. When she used to host Stand Up, Stand Up back in the day, she was not quite as fugly. You are being generous wiht 12K calories a day, it is more like 22K with her.


I found Rosie's scene in BG very funny. I mean, the scene where she talks to two guys about how no one wants "real women" like her. The problem I have is that this scene has nothing to do with the rest of the movie! It's just a "Rosie" scene that could be similarly inserted into pretty much ANY movie.

That's why I have a problem thinking that BG is Rosie's best role. I would say she has a great and very funny scene in BG, but that's it.


As much as I can't stand her voice, looks, personaliy, views and just in general: herself, I have to say that she was great in this movie. She was one of the most believable characters in the movie and the scene in the store was phenomenal. "Charge it Mitch!"


I think her role in "A League of Their Own" is better because it is kept more in the background.

The more RO'D is brought to the forefront in a movie, the more brassy, obnoxious and annoying she becomes.


This isn't saying much.


Exit to Eden!
