Season 18, episodes 7-8

One thing that bothered me about those two episodes: when the Russians were communicating with one another without any English speakers being present, why didn't they simply opt for speaking Russian together (fx. when the assassin lady is threatening Christina) ? It would only be a couple of scenes and they could have been subtitled. The show has a big budget and could have easily had a few scenes in Russian. Making two people that have the same mother tongue speak together in English just seems very forced, especially with the whole "And even though we could be speaking our own language, we speak English with a thick accent instead, just to remind you where we come from."
Anyone else feel the same ?


It could come down to what the actresses and actors can manage. If they aren't native Russian speakers it might just have been easier for a Serbian actress to speak English in a vague Russian accent than to try and actually speak Russian with a really bad accent.

I agree with you though, it would be strange, if I were in France and speaking to another Brit we sure as heck wouldn't be speaking French....



Yes, maybe the actors weren't really Russian and used another Eastern European accent since most people wouldn't know the difference. That would be understandable. I am however very sick of the whole "anglification" in films and television where it is always assumed that everyone wants to speak English all the time. Having a maternal language that has very few native speakers, I can assure you that when you are living abroad and meet someone that shares your native tongue, you always use that chance (assuming that there is no one included in the situation that doesn't understand it because that would be rude) to speak in your own language.
I actually think it's super impressive when actors take the time and effort to learn a few phrases in the language that their character is suppose to have as a mother tongue or if they are in a situation where they would speak it, fx. when Poussey speaks German in Orange is the New Black and when Elsa speaks German in American Horror Story. It is possible to get trained as an actor in phonetics and learn your conversations phonetically so you are able to pronounce words correctly without actually speaking the language.


There's a fabulous example of Actor's accents in "Taken", where the "Albanian" is being tortured with electricity in the basement. His accent is all over the place and one of his screams is almost perfect Oxford English. Quite funny if the poor chap wasn't having electrodes jammed into his thighs.

