Ogunfolajimi vs. Mendoza, the"Bad Spelling Vandal" 2/11/2019
Ayorinde Ogunfolajimi, aka Mr. Jimi, was in court suing the shit out of Chellarise Mendoza. Ayorinde started telling this long, twisted story about how thirsty Chellarise Mendoza is. Mr. Jimi stated that he met up with Chellarise on August 29th at college. Within a week, she was blowing his fuckin phone up with texts asking why he was supposedly ignoring her. She latched on to him quick. Thirsty ass bitch. "I won't be ignored, Dan!" is the vibe I'm getting from her.
The next morning, she pulled a straight up Glenn Close and showed up at his house. She pushed past the roommate, looking for Mr. Jimi. I hope he didn't stick his dick in crazy. Mr. Jimi took the trash out and saw that she keyed his car and wrote "Lier" on it.
Mr. Jimi confronted her about it, and she claimed that it was her boyfriend who did it. I didn't know she had a boyfriend with her head stuck so far up Mr. Jimi's ass. She's like one of those crazy ex-girlfriends who can't get you back, so they key cars, slash tires, or break out windows. Mr. Jimi provided text messages where Chellarise was cursing him out and wrote "Lier" in the messages.
Chellarise was 100% adamant that she had absolutely nothing to do with the keying of the car. She didn't want to give up her supposed boyfriend's number or name. Chellarise also had a major fuckin attitude problem. She wasn't even that good looking to be acting like such a jerk. Arrogant, fat bitch. In the end, she tried to spin some yarn about how she was at work and her phone is dead. Then they ended up finding her a charger.
JJ caught her in a goddamn lie as Oompa Loompa was laying down a line of bullshit a mile long. She claimed that her supervisor at White Castle Factory was someone with the last name Henderson. She worked there for like two months and didn't know what her supervisor's name was. JJ gave Mr. Jimi $1700 and sent him on his way.
I just want to point out how much of a lying, arrogant, miserable urchin that Chellarise was. She was just BITTER. I found her Facebook profile and her mugshot. Apparently, she was arrested AFTER she worked at Wal Mart, but before she worked at the White Castle factory. Someone got sick of her bullshit, she was probably stalking someone and they got scared of her crazy ass. All of that "Why are you ignoring me?!" shit would have scared me away. What a psycho bitch.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chellarise.mendoza.7
Mugshot: https://bustednewspaper.com/in-marion-chellarise-mendoza-2017-08-19-113000/