Episoes with complete psycho/sociopaths?
I love these kind of episodes where the plaintiff/defendant is very unsympathetic or does something very outrageous like lie incessantly or falsely accuse the plaintiff of assault. All the cases I can recall all involved 5 women.
Stephanie Binninger. I know which episode number this is.
The lady who was unsympathetic to the car death of the defendant's daughter. I know this episode number too.
The plaintiff lady who made the male defendant's limo ride a living hell.
The 40 minutes case where the defendant obviously falsely accused her ex-husband of rape in the court system and inconsistently lied to Judge Judy.
The defendant lady who got instantly kicked out for insulting and cursing her ex-boyfriend in front of the judge in the case as soon as it started in where she poured bleach all over his clothes for believing he was having an affair.
If anyone can give me the episode number or the title of the episode involving these kind of cases, I would be grateful. I would like to see episodes where selfish men do this kind of thing as well.