Need Help With The Defendants Occupation
Watching today's new episode of Jelanee Thompson suing the father of her daughter, Carl McCaskill, for damaging her vehicle during a dispute. At some point, Judge Judy asks the obligatory question of what they do to earn a living. Defendant Carl McClaskill responded with something about a gas station. I replayed the clip five or six times, and could not discern what he said. I ended up turning on closed caption, and he said that he "builds freezers outside of gas stations". Does that mean that he works in a factory that builds freezers for bags of ice?
As a bonus, we have yet another love struck girl running up her credit card to impress a boy. 18 year old Katie Demirsar is suing 19 year old Malik Davison for purchasing tennis shoes, gas money and stealing food out of her car. Romeo claims that the shoes were a gift, but he pretty much sunk his own ship when he gave the story of purchasing the last pair Jordan's in Rochester NY. He was in such a hurry to get these sneakers that he conveniently forgot his wallet when he went to purchase the sneakers. He did manage to dodge any reimbursement for the gas and taking food out of her car. So he has that going for him, which is nice.