But was it a case of him NEVER going to pay them or just until the work he considered unacceptable to be corrected? That's how I perceived it. He hired work to be done that wasn't done according to his direction, so he was withholding payment until it was done right.
There was an architect speaking to the press after the debate. He told the reporter how he worked on a Club House for one of Trump's properties in Florida back in 2005-07. He did everything from designing the building to hiring the contractors, interior decorators, etc. He signed a contract with Trump for a very high fee before the work started, and lived up to his end of the deal.
When he was done, Trump had nothing but praise for his work - everything was done to his liking, on time and under budget. Trump praised him publicly at the grand opening, and also wrote a letter (which the architect still has and showed the reporter, as he framed it) saying he would recommend him to everyone, and praising him for his work.
Trump never paid him.
He has sued, and it's been tied up in court for years. Trump told reporters this week that he over-reacted with his praise, and upon closer looks as time went on he realized he really didn't think the job was well done. So it's his right not to pay him for work he doesn't like.
SO I guess I can go to the best restaurant in town, order the most expensive steak dinner, eat the steak - praise the chef, tweet an excellent review while I'm digesting my dinner and having coffee.....and then have second thoughts when the bill comes. Tell the waiter I really wasn't happy with the meal and I'm not going to pay for it. See ya!
And while I know this is all in fun, actually, JJ as moderator could not turn off his mic nor get into an argument with him in the debate, as much as she might want to.
A journalist might not, but Judge Judy would! He already complained something was wrong with his mic on Monday.
"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16