Fudging your roomate
On Thursday (9-22) we were introduced to a plaintiff suing her ex roomate Mr. Fudge (and if anyone needed a name change, it would be him!). Seems Mr. Fudge stole from her including money, birthday money, cosmetics, and computers. He also didn't bathe and kept urine in his room. Sounds like everyone's ideal roomie, no?
Well JJ was not satisfied with anything the plaintiff had to say since she had no legitimate proof except for what she 'believed'.
My question - since she believed he was stealing everything from her, why in the world would she leave 'birthday cards with cash sticking out of them' on a mantle they shared, why would she leave valuables such as computers, cosmetics, her wallet, etc out in the open in the space which they were sharing? Seemed a bit fishy to me. Why didn't she keep all her valuables - especially cash! - locked away in her room? Why leave it out for others to have access to each day - especially when you 'went away on vacation' for a week???
It didn't make any sense to me.
"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16