She Got "Axed"

The girl who ran out in the street, but not before checking for traffic and seeing the driver nodding for her to cross. Then she got "axed".



This girl & her family were out of their minds. They believed this man waved her forward into the cross walk then hit her on purpose. No one from this girls family went to help her and the man's wife got out to comfort the girl while the girls family ignored her and beat him. Then the girl denies she knows her own uncle.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


Yep, a whole family of liars. The father said there was no assault reported and afterwards, denied knowing of any assault.
Assault, what assault? Where's the paperwork to prove this even happened. The judge told that family that sometimes it's the pedestrian's fault, but they weren't having none of that.



And they were the ones who stirred this whole mess up by suing the driver!

It's not enough for these people that they protected the family member who beat the driver up? They have to sue the poor guy too?

I'm glad JJ gave them what for.

Maybe it's because I've always had a weakness for lost causes, once they're really lost.
