"We're done!"

I've noticed that JJ has started using this phrase when cases are finished as of late. Has she been watching some "Goodfellas" or "Sopranos" recently, I wonder? She usually ends a case with, "Case is dismissed" or "Judgement for the plaintiff in the amount of..." and "that's all," although she would replace the "that's all" with "goodbye" or "step out" if she's extra irritated.

First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red.


Who knows, maybe it's all her. She has been cursing a lot. They bleep her out all the time.


JJ just likes to mix it up.


Just keeping it real. That's how she rolls.


When I used to watch Judge Milian on The People's Court regularly (up until last season) she used to try and be witty and say "Stick a fork in me, we're done." That was witty and clever in the late 1980s-early 1990s - in the mid 2000s, it's a little 'tired'.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 
