She was really stupid to say that. Public threats verbally and even online are taken seriously now after Arizona State University shooting.
Wow, Bookmanmovielover, I'm surprised you, of all people, wrote this. Are you speaking from experience? You were one of the IMDB's biggest TROLLS for well over a year, until you found God.
And now you're posting as "KrazyKatgrl," after accusing so many people of having sock accounts. And you have one, too? You probably have quite a few.
What would Judge Judy think? You've harassed so many users on IMDB, it's insane. Didn't you even create a BLOG so you could continue your slanderous slurs away from the IMDB because you didn't like a certain poster? Didn't you hack into his Ebay account and even take things from his Facebook page--including pictures of his dead cat and an essay about his late mother?
And then you MADE FUN of them?
Wow. You're a real piece of work.