
Just watched an episode made in 2014 where Judy berates a man because he has a debit card and not a check book. She didn't seem to grasp that his salary was paid into his bank directly by his employer and that he wasn`t paid by cheque. Here in the UK it is normal (if paid monthly) to be paid directly into a bank account and the majority of people pay bills by direct debit. Is that not the case in America?

As a side note Judy is getting more and more vile and aggressive by the episode.


Not sure about the episode, but from what you describe, I suspect JJ was irritated that the man didn't bring his bank statements. Yes, in America we have debit cards and direct deposit, and we can pay our bills electronically. But we still get monthly statements that show our withdrawals and deposits, so if he didn't bring those with him, perhaps that's why she was irritated.

And as per your side note, yes, there does seem to be a connection that the more vile and aggressive she is, the higher her ratings get.


I get direct deposit but I still have both my debit card and my checkbook. technically he IS paid by check, it is just not in a physical form.

she has a point... you can only remove a certain amount of money from your account via your debit card per day. I can only get 300 dollars a day. so if I am paying a lot of bills by cash, I can only do a couple of them a day.

the problem with checkbooks now is that many people don't have a checking account in order for your money to be put into them. many people are cash only businesses [and I am not talking bodegas] some don't even take credit cards.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.
