A totally off-topic story follows, below. Mine is a useless rant-thingy.
Wow, what a messy story!
It gets pretty nuts, in that courthouse, kinda crazy & "who to believe" is, many times, (very) difficult (& young people do STUPID, reckless, things :)); BUT, wrecking someone's car: just,
have to pay for it & that's that!..
It had happened, more than several times (to various people) when we were younger and (too) many times (almost) everyone had tried to get out of it - however, a vehicle is something that we NEED (& cannot do without) and "you", just, can't mess with that... If you borrow a car and damage it, GOTTA fess up to it - it's something that has to be done, no excuses, meh. ;-/
(Over the years, there were (at least) TWO people (which I can remember) who hadn't paid me for damage to my car(s). The first was a friend of a friend, drunk on the beach, who'd wanted to "try" the car and moved it around, a bit, on some sand - and struck a HUGE, concrete, flower pot with the front; no idea how, intoxicated and blind, in teh dark, blah. The second happened years later, with a different vehicle and
this guy, SOMEHOW, managed to smash in both of my hoods - the front AND the back - and at that time I was curious as to how, the heck, can this happen... However, sometimes later, I found (figured) out that he is (clinically) insane, meh; but, for reals. :))
Not proud,
though, at the damage(s) that I've done to other peoples' rides. SOMEHOW,
did manage to rack up somewhat of a tally... Several, different, events - BUT, one time (20 years ago, maybe) I managed to skillfully, like a ninja (lolz), climb on top of the roof (rack) as a friend pulled up with his Honda Civic '92 - on the tips of my fingers and toes (!), without ANY problems - EXCEPT, he -then- decided to accelerate down the road, like at full speed and I
had to squeeze down to hold on "for dear life" - and there weren't windows open, or anything, so that crumpled up his roof quite a bit (my goodness)
... And another time (OMG., Jesus Christ), I had been giving a ride to someone - home, from a club, at night and NO idea why (the HELL) we didn't let
him walk, in the first place - using a friend's car (as it happens, another '92 Civic) & as we missed a turn and as I was gonna go back, pulled the hand-brake to spin it around, BUT (being drunk) didn't look up the (unfortunately, inclining) road to see a JEEP hurling towards us and he'd been
flying so much that he barely slowed down when he'd plowed right into my door (I was nowhere close to completing the turn, messed it up big time, still in the middle of the road - but, sideways); all I saw was, as I flinched to turn my head away, glass flying around me and pelting that guy sitting next me all across his head and face (will never forget it, LOL).
So, as I shut off the car which had the horn stuck, blasting and bolted out, pushing him to get out from his side - as the driver's side got completely smashed in (NO clue
how they were able to repair the vehicle - pretty sure that even the chassis got bent, heh), SOMEHOW another friend who happened to be walking by (no joke, fortune favors fools) ran to get the owner and as the 2 guys in the jeep were drunk /in shock (or, SOMETHING) themselves, nobody "noticed" that I was behind the wheel (without a driving license, or any insurance!), or told the police how I was stunting and directly caused the crash (well, except that they'd been speeding and, probably, drunk - as heck (?!) - so that, basically, saved us). Luckily, no Judge Judy, w00t!! :))
*Their jeep had some
issues, can't really remember if they were driving with fake /expired license plates, or some such (un)fortunate thing (so, so, lucky 4 us and friend's dad didn't have to kill me, pftt.)
P.S. Btw., there's (much!) more (of me crashing - and, into - people's bikes and scooters, also - and others destroying my property, likewise), pretty sure that many other people would have (many?!), such, stories to tell... Looking back, it's a
miracle how my mother (my folks) managed to pull through it, all! xD