
If I was to ever appear on any court show it would be the people's court for that reason and others. She allows hearsay, even though she won't use hearsay if that's the only evidence they have. It seems more and more lately when I watch JJ I'm always confused. She doesn't allow many of them to talk and will say things she expects the audience to already know because she read it in the complaint. Some cases I'm so confused I don't even understand them at all. It could be editing but I doubt it because she will refer to people's complaint but not tell you what the heck she's referring too. You never get any back story, I'm not saying I want to hear their whole relationship but it would be nice to hear something about them. Every year her shows just get harder and harder to follow along.


She doesn't allow many of them to talk and will say things she expects the audience to already know because she read it in the complaint. Some cases I'm so confused I don't even understand them at all. It could be editing but I doubt it because she will refer to people's complaint but not tell you what the heck she's referring too.

I find Judy's manner of questioning very tedious, because she holds such tight reins that she won't allow people to utter one word without her permission.

I always feel like she's guiding them and cherry picking the testimony -- so that she can arrive at her predetermined judgment.

She likes to think that she's the smartest person in the room. Anyone can appear smart -- if you won't let anyone else speak!

She's a charlatan -- and bag of wind!


She's a charlatan --and bag of wind

Hmm, seems like you two have something in common.


Checking my posting history and following me here ??

Yeah, that's about your style.


Got yourself a stalker? I use my phone so I can't do a lot of things you can on the computer, like see what post people are in for example. I also can't edit either, which is why the first sentence of this post doesn't make much sense.


Exactly. Every show is the same, same questions, same format, and getting boring.


They are. The show is showing it's age (21 seasons) and becoming rather predictable - especially when regular viewers like ourselves can pick out so many inconsistencies with her ruling.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 ๎€š


I remember one case a while ago some womans 20 year old parked car was hit by someone and she wanted over $4000 for the damages and after Byrd checked his outdated Kelley bluebook the car was only worth like $700 if I remember correctly and instead of giving her what the car was worth like she always does she said "you are entitled to get your car back in the same condition" and ordered the defendant to pay what she was asking.
I couldn't believe it, she never even takes in account things that have been added and usually only gives the insurance deductible. No clue what made this woman anymore special?


No clue what made this woman anymore special?

A phase of the moon in Judy's world, perhaps? ๐ŸŒ›

Judge Milian always makes a point of explaining that they're getting the deprecated value of the object -- not what they paid for it or what a new one would cost.

And, she never wavers from that, that I am aware of.


That's one of the things I like about her. She also has compassion, something JJ never shows. And she actually enjoys her job it seems,laughing with the litigants instead of at them.
I often wonder if JJ is always that miserable or just plays one on TV because I have seen interviews with her, not in a while, but I've seen them and she seems different somehow. Not sure if it's a nicer different but something was different.
MM just seems so much more down to earth, she's not afraid to put her face in something that smells like cat pee. JJ won't even allow items on the desk. MM leaves the bench quite a bit and she's usually wearing sweatpants and sneakers under her robe. I think JJ has left it once. MM let's people approach the bench with permission, I can't remember JJ ever doing that. I'm sure there's so much more I can't think of now.

I saw a YouTube video once taken from a member of the audience and I guess MM comes out after every taping and talks to them and let's them ask questions and take pictures and does autographs. She explains why she ruled the way she did. The person kept recording as they left and went around the corner the litigants leave "to sign paperwork" and around that corner there is nothing there. It's literally like a warehouse with a door that goes outside. It would be fun to see a taping someday.


I've never seen that episode. I can't believe she did that. She thinks kbb is the car bible when kbb is not based on any factual info and is based on opinion only. It's actually stated on their website. I wish someone would point that out to her to see what she'd say.


Agreed. I have a minivan (go me!!)haha and we added a lot to it after we bought it. We had a new stereo installed, car started (it was the one from my old van we traded in, we had it taken out and put in the new one), we had a DVD player and two pull down TV sets installed for the kids and we also paid over $700 to have weathertech floor mats installed throughout the whole van and if I got in an accident unless I got the same make, model, year those would be useless. She would never take stuff in account if I went on her show.
Another thing she does that I find unfair if someone gets rid of everything someone owns, a roommate or landlord for example and the person wants $5000 she will never award that it's usually between $1000 and $1500 and that's for a whole apartment sometimes. I dont know about you but my mattress cost that much, my couch was more and clothes are ridiculously expensive. Not to mention kitchen stuff and other misc items.


Another thing she does that I find unfair if someone gets rid of everything someone owns, a roommate or landlord for example and the person wants $5000 she will never award that it's usually between $1000 and $1500 and that's for a whole apartment sometimes.

Very valid point.

One of my problems with her is she decides what part of a case she wants to hear: "Not interested! My parents didn't send me to law school to talk about kitchen utensils!"

Why not? A loss is a loss. If that's my loss, and that's what I'm suing for, you can AT LEAST hear it, then rule on the merits of the case.

Again, Judy is out of touch with the average person's finances and expenses. She's an evil, old bag, and anyone who chooses to go before her is a fool.


Whenever she says that I always think but you choose to be a small claims court "judge" and sometimes that is about kitchen utensils.
She grew up with money and definitely has money now so she has no idea how to relate to people that work hard for things or probably how much anything cost.


Judge Julian does the same. Her quote is that she's not there to "sort out the pots and pans" of failed relationships.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


Judge Julian does the same. Her quote is that she's not there to "sort out the pots and pans" of failed relationships.

I strongly disagree. When Milian (not Julian) says that (figure of speech), she's talking about how in a relationship, money goes back and forth. It's impossible for the courts to decide who spent the greater amount on their life together. Judy says something similar, and I agree.

On the matter of kitchen utensils, there have been parties who were suing for exactly that, among other things.

And, Judy dismisses it as too trivial to bother with. Go out and price kitchen supplies (including pot and pans). It can be expensive, but Judy isn't in touch.

Many of Judy's litigants look like they don't have two nickels to rub together. Why should they incur an expense if someone threw their belongings in the garbage ???


Yeah, "Julian" makes me laugh. I was in kidney dialysis when I wrote that one-handed, and auto-correct changed "Milian" to "Julian". Sometimes auto-correct really gets on my nerves.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


Sorry you are having to go through kidney dialysis, misterbfd. That can be rough. My mom was on it for 2yrs.

<โ€œEvery man of courage is a man of his word.โ€ - Pierre Corneille>




And, you continue to have my posts deleted, "Bookman".....
