MovieChat Forums > Judge Judy (1996) Discussion > Hammerschimdt-- OMG What A Piece

Hammerschimdt-- OMG What A Piece

Of work!
Why oh why couldn't the defendant see this scammer coming.

Ha ha love the way the defendant ended the hallway interview. "What are you laughing at!?!" WTH, goes on in that hallway?

Oh this was the case where the defendant repossessed the car she sold after the plaintiff failed to pay the last $60 of the $1600 price. When the judge asked the defendant where the car was, she said she gave it her roommate.


I would love to see what the room-mate 'Mr. Moody' looks like, because she and her boyfriend look like they've been drinking toxic water for some time now.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


Ha ha love the way the defendant ended the hallway interview. "What are you laughing at!?!" WTH, goes on in that hallway?

Yeah, that was hilarious! 

I think the only thing that topped it was when JJ asked her "what kind of disability do you have?" And she replied, "...uh..learning."


Right!! I kept thinking ok last yr you worked was 2012 then u decided after working for however many years at the age she is that oh let me apply for disability for LEARNING? Wtf
