MovieChat Forums > Judge Judy (1996) Discussion > 12/2: The Woman with the Tattooed face

12/2: The Woman with the Tattooed face

Another woman another case who is getting SSI. Our government needs to stop giving money to able bodied (women). This is a scam. They're able to work, but they're unemployed and can't get unemployment benefits, so they're getting SSI assistance.

She was ugly ugly ugly. She spent all that money tattooing her body; is that where her money went? And her daughter is also tattooing her face.


If she physically able to travel to be on a tv show she is able to work. Judge Judy has said she suffers from back pain often but she still works. There are plenty of ways to work at home to earn some money.

<โ€œEvery man of courage is a man of his word.โ€ - Pierre Corneille>


Judge Judy has said she suffers from back pain often but she still works.

I don't think that anyone would accuse JJ of actually "working".

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


I'm watching that now. I don't think she would be so unattractive if she didn't have all those stupid tattoos. People who do this just don't think. I'm going to play Devil's Advocate and say she did it when she was younger. They don't think about how things will affect them when they grow up. I'm guessing even if she didn't have all those tattoos she probably would have an easier time of getting a job. I'm sorry most places will NOT accept someone working for them looking like that, especially in a customer service job.

My first book is available on Amazon


The Bride of Frankenstein hairdo doesn't help her look one iota. And her weird, cat-like daughter was going into the Merchant Marines?!


People who do this just don't think. I'm going to play Devil's Advocate and say she did it when she was younger. They don't think about how things will affect them when they grow up.

Maybe I'm a wrong person to discuss this (since I have 9 tattoos and I'm not done), but I get asked a lot "did you think how it will look like when you're older"? And my answer is always, "I'll worry about that when (and if) I get older". Why would anyone at the age of 20 think "how will this affect me when I'm 50" ...

I'm guessing even if she didn't have all those tattoos she probably would have an easier time of getting a job. I'm sorry most places will NOT accept someone working for them looking like that, especially in a customer service job.

Tattoo shops would. :) :) :) But I get your point.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


My husband has tattoos. I have nothing against them. May I ask where your tattoos are? Are they on your face? My husband's are on his arms, his chest and on his legs - only visible if he's bare chested or wearing short sleeves or shorts. I pointed her out to him. I did say that a tattoo shop would hire her. Or maybe a bar or a place like hot topic maybe.

My first book is available on Amazon


I have half sleeves on each arm (it will be full sleeves in the future), few smaller ones on lower parts of each leg, one big piece on my back that I'm currently working on (it will take app. 40 hours to finish), and one on back of my neck. No head tattoos ... yet. :)

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


Why would anyone at the age of 20 think "how will this affect me when I'm 50" ...

Sad to say you make a good point - and this is not just about tattoos. I know a lot of young people who in their 20s who didn't think "how will this effect me when I'm 50"...

Starting with money, and their credit score - many younger people weren't responsible with any money they were earning in their 20s (no matter how much they were earning) and lived off credit cards, and saved nothing. Didn't put anything away for retirement, etc. Didn't bother paying their debt off (or on time) ruined their credit history - and by the time they reach the age where they want to buy a house or start thinking about their 'future' they are financially ruined....because of their actions in their 20s.

I'm particularly thinking of two brothers who live next door to me. One is 35, has always been responsible, owns his own home and has an excellent job as a fireman.

The other is 34, lives in his mother's basement, can't keep a job and can't even keep a car. He also has two kids to support from 2 baby mamas. He has never been responsible for the past 15 years that I've known him.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 ๎€š


Sad to say you make a good point - and this is not just about tattoos. I know a lot of young people who in their 20s who didn't think "how will this effect me when I'm 50"...

... IMO, it can work the other way too.

First of all, how do you know that you will live to be 50?

My parents spent most of their 20s and 30s building a large home, working 2-3 jobs. They wanted to build a 3 story house and start a business in order for remaining years of their lives to be easier. And then the war happened and they lost everything ... They've never been the same after that. They pretty much wasted the best years of their lives on something that never got to enjoy.

My life motto is, "Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come". I live for today only. I make choices and I never look back. And I also don't worry about tomorrow - I'll worry about it when (and if) tomorrow comes.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


First of all, how do you know that you will live to be 50?

You don't. IMO, it's best to gamble on the safer side, and be prepared if you do. It's like buying car insurance or home insurance - you don't know if you will ever need it, but it's nice to have it if you do.

My parents spent most of their 20s and 30s building a large home, working 2-3 jobs. They wanted to build a 3 story house and start a business in order for remaining years of their lives to be easier. And then the war happened and they lost everything ... They've never been the same after that. They pretty much wasted the best years of their lives on something that never got to enjoy.

That is indeed a very sad story, and I'm sorry to read that. However, I think it's more probable that most 20 year olds will live to be 50 (and need some kind of financial security) than the horrific ordeal your parents went through.

BTW, I wouldn't consider that as wasting the best years of their life. They had their health in their 20s and 30s and a dream - and they spent those years doing what they wanted to do - achieve that dream.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 ๎€š


Maybe it was my job as a social worker that turned my perception of life. Let me tell you a true story (names are made up, but their situation is 100% real).

One of my clients was Willie. He's was in his late 60s. He's been in and out of prison most of his adult life due to selling and using cocaine. He has multiple kids with multiple women and doesn't have much of a relationship with any of them. He continues to use cocaine and constantly complain how "government is not helping him enough". He rarely worked during his adult life. He has Medicare, which covers 80% of his medical bills. He also received app. $900 in SSI per month. Due to his low income, he also qualified for low-income apartment (he paid app. $200 per month for a beautiful apartment in Milwaukee's downtown), food stamps (app. $250 per month) and T-19, which covered remaining 20% of what Medicare didn't.

My other client was Ronald. He worked all of his life as a pastor. He has 3 adult children - all who are college graduate and visit every Thanksgiving and Christmas with their families. Ronald and his family are some of the nicest people that I've met in my life. Ronald had a house in community. Shortly after retiring, he became sick and was forced to permanently move to a nursing home. Despite his app. $3,000 income from Social Security and Pension, he was still forced to sell his home because nursing home costs $10,000-$15,000 per month. He was able to use money from the sale of the house to pay for the nursing home; however, after few years he ran out of money and that's when he was enrolled in our program. Now government pays for the nursing home, but only the difference. Since Ronald receives $3,000 in income, everything except for $100 (which he's allowed to keep for personal spending) goes towards the nursing home and the state pays for the remaining balance. Because his income is very high, he doesn't qualify for food stamps or any other government assistance.

So, how did benefit Ronald to be a perfect citizen all of his life compared to Willie? Despite being a perfect citizen, Ronald was forced to sell his home and government takes his income. On the other side, government continues to pay everything for Willie and also gives him $900.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


I am just glad that I get up every morning at 5:00 AM and head off to work so that I can pay my taxes so she can marinating her lifestyle of pissing away money on tattoos.


I meant to write "maintain", but "marinating" sounds a lot funnier, so it stays.


Ha, yes marinating sounds funnier. She's disabled marinating in piss and tattoos.


I don't have an issue with tattoos but she looked real ridiculous with the tattoos, the piecings and the hair. Yuck. And I agree. The government needs to weed out these liars collecting SSI. She sure was able to stand there on tv but can't sit down for a job.


Did I hear correctly that the daughter's name was Seven? If so, doe that mean there are 6 other older children in the family?


Is the daughter named Seven or 7?


It is "7".


I have a male friend named Seven, and he says his birth certificate reads "7".

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie



I'm your Huckleberry.


Haha. I heard her call her Seven.


Haha. I heard her call her Seven.

I thought she was calling her Satan. Either one is probably applicable. They both looked like they were left-over cast members from the movie "Chi-Raq".

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 ๎€š


I thought she said Satan, too, but it's more likely seven. And like mother....


Better not tell George Costanza... "Seven" was HIS idea for a baby name! (Seinfeld episode "The Seven")


On Married With Children, in one of the later seasons, there was a character who was a kid named Seven. I don't remember why the kid was living with them but I remember his name was Seven.


My daughter has a friend whose brothers name is Sixx.


There's a kid in my son's daycare names Jaxxx. I'm pretty sure his mom eats paste.

I'm your Huckleberry.
