Thanks, Obama!

Thanks for pre-empting an episode and a half of JJ. You did an excellent job of ruining my daily JJ viewing!


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


When I saw the President was on in Judy's time-slot, I just knew somebody here would bitch about it.   .....


Of course. Why not? I don't like Obama. If I liked him, maybe it wouldn't have bugged me!


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


If you like your daytime court program, you can keep your daytime program. Guarenteed!


So, what did we miss? Anything worth a days long discussion?


Yes, it's more important to watch a tv courtroom show than it is to listen to the President of the United States...


Yep, since tv courtroom *beep* you less.

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


I don't have any interest in listening to Barack Obama on any subject. His "Obamacare" totally screwed several people I know personally. It sounds good on the surface, then when you know people who are actually hurt by it, you realize it isn't all that great after all.

I'm not a fan. I'm much more a fan of JJ than of BO.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


His "Obamacare" totally screwed several people I know personally. It sounds good on the surface, then when you know people who are actually hurt by it, you realize it isn't all that great after all.

I've had the opposite experience. People I know who own a small business and could not afford health care for themselves (and therefore went MANY years without it) were finally able to afford healthcare with Obamacare. Many self-employed business owners. Same with a lot of bartenders and servers - their employee made sure they worked part time NOT to cover them through the company (Chilis, IHOP, Applebees) so they were left with no insurance - until Obamacare came along.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


Hopefully they'll be able to afford the new premiums. In some places, like Pennsylvania, the premiums are up over 50 percent! If it doesn't get repealed.

I know several people who lost their full time jobs because of the Obamacare rules. The company, a very large local employer with hundreds of employees, cut all of their staff, aside from top management, down from 40 hours dto a max of 24 hours so they don't have to provide health insurance any longer. They were providing it before Obamacare to their full timers, but opted out when the new rules came into effect.

But I only know a few of them personally. Unfortunately, one of them is a single mom with two little ones, who now has to work two part time jobs instead of one full time job and her day care expenses have almost doubled because of it.

Thanks, Obamacare...


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


Hopefully they'll be able to afford the new premiums. In some places, like Pennsylvania, the premiums are up over 50 percent! If it doesn't get repealed.

In RI (where I live) the rate has dropped about 1% for next year. In MA - which was the 'blueprint for Obamacare under Romneycare - it has dropped 3%.

I know several people who lost their full time jobs because of the Obamacare rules. The company, a very large local employer with hundreds of employees, cut all of their staff, aside from top management, down from 40 hours to a max of 24 hours so they don't have to provide health insurance any longer. They were providing it before Obamacare to their full timers, but opted out when the new rules came into effect.

I find fault with the companies for doing that, not Obamacare. Most of these companies - especially the big companies such as the restaurants I mentioned, plus the notorious WalMart - can very well afford to provide some kind of health insurance to their workers. Still, they will jump into any loophole to get out of it. They just don't value their employees, or their health.

But I only know a few of them personally. Unfortunately, one of them is a single mom with two little ones, who now has to work two part time jobs instead of one full time job and her day care expenses have almost doubled because of it.

Thanks, Obamacare...


I have to say, long before Obamacare I was self-employed for 25 years. I had to find my own health insurance via Blue Cross (who, in the 1980s was not even insuring self-emloyed) or UnitedHealth' checking out my options each renewal period. I never ever went to doctors (I was a younger male, that explains it), had prescriptions - nothing. I had health insurance 'just in case', but never used / abused it from 1987-2011. I can seriously count on one hand how many times I used it in that period.

YET, my health insurance kept rising every year (both companies were similar in price) - 15-50% for no particular reason at all. They cut way back on services for their health plans yet the premiums skyrocketed. I ended up with 'catastrophic' insurance at the end, and still paid unbelievable premiums (I ended up without health insurance for 2011; could not afford it at all). Similarly, this is why so many of my friends who are self-employed were without insurance for so long - who could afford it?

Believe me, if Obamacare was available to me back then, I would have gotten it.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


I don't have any interest in listening to Barack Obama on any subject. His "Obamacare" totally screwed several people I know personally. It sounds good on the surface, then when you know people who are actually hurt by it, you realize it isn't all that great after all.

I'm sorry to hear about your friends who got screwed over. It's not for everyone but I've heard many stories about how it's helped many families.

Please try to keep in mind that the purpose of Obamacare was not to screw anyone over but to try to lessen the costs of healthcare, if not for everyone then for as many people as possible.

Obama tried....he didn't totally succeed but at least he tried. No one should hate (or blame) the guy for that.


I don't hate Obama. I just don't like him. I don't hate anyone. There was just a lack of proper foresight.

When Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey announced recently that it’s $46 million in debt and shutting down, it became the 17th failed ObamaCare co-op since the Affordable Care Act launched three years ago.

Those failures – just six of the original 23 co-ops remain – have left hundreds of thousands of people scrambling for coverage.

Meanwhile, insurers claiming big losses are leaving some state exchanges -- including Indiana University Health Plans, whose exit is expected to result in 27,000 Indiana residents losing ObamaCare plans in 2017. And companies still operating in the federal and state exchanges are raising premiums for next year.

Check out this Obamacare "death spiral" article:

Like I said, it sounds good on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper there's a lot more to it.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:


Be glad you're not in Oklahoma or Texas, if the wind blows beyond 10 mph or there are a few raindrops falling from the sky, the local news will cut into anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes of the beginning of Judge Judy/


I would take that over Mike McCarthy (Green Bay Packers' coach) talking every day how he "hopes that the team can win on Sunday".

When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.


Unless it's a true emergency, there are so many news channels that can cover Obama. It's like they never changed anything since before cable when there were only a few channels.


I have waited almost 8 years for Obama to come take my guns. Talk about an ineffective president.

I'm your Huckleberry.


I was home yesterday watching 'Ellen' (since JJ is in repeats) and my local NBC affiliate had cut in with 'breaking news' - a severe weather alert was posted in my area for the 'overnight hours' (which was 7 hours away) due to below-freezing temperatures.

My God, I remember the good ol' days when 'below freezing temperatures' qualified as a weather forecast within the 6 pm news, not 'breaking news' at 4:15.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


I've decided to shift the blame to Russian hackers.


Shooting has started on my latest movie:



Mister I was going to do that and you beat me to it.

That's funny, cause I was gonna blame you, Bookmanmovieliver. Apparently, you're quite good at hacking into things, like Facebook and eBay profiles. Or so I've been told.

