I just saw a iittle bit where Judy tells some guy, "I'm not falling for your scam."
I had just tuned in, and I shut it off right after, so I don't know if he was lying or not, or what the context was, but I put myself in his shoes. If she told me that, I would realize that I had lost, and I would also be offended at being called a scammer.
I would probably say, "I'm not a scammer, so you can go to hell, bitch!" And I would exit the courtroom.
Of all the times that I've seen her call someone a liar, no one has ever done this. Would I be held in contempt of court? Would I get fined and arrested or something?
"Baba Booey! Baba Booey!"
Ok, let me think of how this would go down based upon my 20 years of watching Judge Judy (lol):
Judge Judy: "Listen to me! Mr Cavitation, you're a liar and a scammer and how dare you take advantage of this woman and her 2 children!!! How dare you, sir!!!"
Mr. Cavitation: "I'm not a scammer, so go to hell bitch." (heads for the exit room door)
Audience: Ooooooooh!
Byrd: "AY! AY! AY! Sir, sir, sir! Get out! Get out! STEP!!! STEP!!! STEP!!!"
Judge Judy: "Perfect. LISTEN TO ME!!! Mr. Toothbrush! Mr. Toothbrush! You're suing for 4,000 dollars? You're suing for 4,000 dollars sir?"
Mr. Toothbrush: "Yes!"
Judge Judy: "YOU GOT IT!!!!!! So I want you feel as though you've been vindicated here today. And not only that, but I'm also going to award you an extra amount in punitive damages just to send a loud and clear message to this scammer that you can't scam people out of their hard earned money and you have to control yourself when you're in my play pen."
Mr. Toothbrush: "Thank you, your honor."
Audience: Clapping!!!
(Cavitations completely exits the courtroom)
Judge Judy: "PERFECT! listen to me! Listen to me! Not only do you have a judgment against this lowlife scammer, but ten million people are ALSO ON NOTICE AS TO THIS LOWLIFE OF SCAMMER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? TEN MILLION PEOPLE GOING TO WATCH THIS PROGRAM AND THEY'RE GOING TO BE SICK TO THEIR STOMACHS AT THE SITE OF THIS SCAMMER. And the fact he can't control himself."
Mr. Toothbrush: "Yes, your honor."
Judge Judy: "And listen to me! It's a good lesson. You're supposed to stay away from filth. Because I have a feeling Mr. Cavitation has scammed a lot of other people out of their hard earned money. Been around the block... LONG TIME!!!"
Mr. Toothbrush: "Oh, yes! I actually know of other people and other cases!"
Judge Judy: "REEEEEEEEEEEALLY?! Ohhhhhhh wonderful. Just for my own curiosity, who are all these other people? I don't usually entertain things like this, but I just like to SATISFY my curiosity in this case. GO HEAD!!! How many other people and how many of these other cases have you heard about?"
Mr. Toothbrush: "Up to like ten of them, your honor. Like the whole neighborhood."
Audience: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Judge Judy: "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!!"
Mr. Toothbrush: "Yes! Hahahahaha!"
Judge Judy: (Looking at Byrd) Don't you just love it? What a prince! Where is his place of employment?"
Mr. Toothbrush: "Time Warner Cable!"
Judge Judy: "Ohhhhh Perfect. Not only are ten million people on notice, but I guarantee you Time Warner Cable is going to see the airing of this case and they will be just thrilled as I was to grace this scamming lowlife. If Time Warner is smart, they'll do away with him just like I did. Would love to send them a copy of this tape actually just so they're all on notice like the rest of the ten million other people!"
Mr. Toothbrush: "Thank you!"
Judge Judy: "Veeeeeery good! WE'RE DONE!!!"