What an obnoxious response! I make the very valid point that it's light-years harder for gay men to find happy, loving relationships than it is for heterosexual people. You respond by basically saying "But a lot of gays are doing it, so why can't you? What magic power do they have you don't" Incredibly obnoxious.
What's obnoxious about it? Millions of homosexuals worldwide DO find loving and stable relationships. My cousin and brother-in-law are perfect examples. What's so special about them, and all other who've found good strong relationships? Neither of them are ugly, but not particularly good looking, either. They both have decent jobs, but aren't millionaires, and neither are their partners. They don't live in San Francisco, either, one is on the outskirts of Boston, and the other in Miami.
Care to try again?
Plenty of millionaires in the world. WHY CAN'T YOU?! Plenty of people who own their own companies in the world. WHY CAN'T YOU?
I'm not the one claiming everyone has it better and easier than me in life because (insert whatever reasons/excuses here) and insisting it's why I can't succeed, that's what YOU'RE doing. My wife and kids and I are very happy with how much we make and the life we live. And even though I'm not whining non-stop like you are, I can actually answer the question. My wife and I make decent money, without being millionaires and having huge companies...Why? Because we never originated an innovative idea, invested the time and money into it, took all the risk, worked tirelessly and ridiculously exorbitant hours realizing it, faced rejection after rejection after rejection, and all the other things that come with becoming a self-made millionaire...and therefore didn't come up with a product or service groundbreaking enough to start a company worth millions. We don't need to make excuses for not having more than our good middle-class life and insist those with more than what we have must have got where they are because of their sexual orientations, looks, height, eye color, hair color, weight, religion, college they went to, sports they played, family money, connections, etc... I didn't even need to answer the question, because I realize a great life can be lived even without being a millionaire, and I don't begrudge anyone who has more than me (whether they're part of the VAST majority of who were self-made or the much smaller group of those who inherited their wealth) by acting like a perpetual victim insisting the deck of life is stacked against me.
Answer, not everyone has the same circumstances, lives in the same place, encounters the same luck and advantages.
Brace yourself. This is true for absolutely everyone on the planet, not just you.
A lot of successful relationships happen in San Francisco where there's a lot of gay people. The majority of the US is rural and people grow up in places where that isn't possible.
Successful relationships happen in many more places, too. Ah-mazing, I know.
My cousin tells me that large cities across the country also have had sizable gay communities for quite some time, and in fact, many suburban and rural areas do too, now. I can't verify this, but I can't think of a reason why he'd lie about it, either. What, exactly, is preventing you from moving to areas with larger and more accessible gay populations?
Think before you put those fingers of yours on that keyboard and write me something obnoxious. You got that?
Sorry, snowflake, if I feel like hopping into any discussion on an internet message board, designed for discussion, I'm going to do so, whether you find it obnoxious or not. YOU got
Take my point for what it is and don't be obnoxious.
If you don't want people disagreeing or questioning what you post on an internet message board open to all, then don't post it on an internet message board open to all. Otherwise, it's fair game. Commanding people to just "take your point and don't be obnoxious" is what's truly obnoxious, and well, childish to boot.
My point for what it is is that I myself have had plenty opportunities to be in a heterosexual relationship with the looks, qualities, characteristics I bring to the table. Bringing those SAME looks, qualities, characteristics to the table in the gay community, I haven't had remotely the same number of opportunities for a happy, homosexual relationship.
Unless you're claiming you can just make yourself straight on demand, or thought you'd be successfully stored in the closet the rest of your life, those "opportunities" you claim aren't even relevant. Using this whiny logic I could claim that, with my athletic ability, I could have been a superstar in the NFL, but at only 5'8" and 170 lbs, I just didn't have remotely the same opportunities as the majority of men on the planet who are taller and bigger than me, and therefore, was robbed of the chance to be a star defensive tackle and to have married a super-model. Unlike you, I'm not blaming my short height (something I can't control) and lighter weight (which takes a lot for me to change) for my lot in life. And I don't need to, because I'm happy with where I am, and how I worked at getting here, instead of insisting most men who are taller and heavier than me have it easier in all aspects of life, especially getting into the NFL and marrying super-models.
The reason for that is more people are straight than gay,
True, but if 10% of the adult planet is gay (just throwing that number out there, it may be higher or lower, I don't know) and half of that 10% are gay men and the other half of that are lesbians, that's still hundreds of millions to choose from.
more people are accepting of heterosexual relationships,
Which is irrelevant because you and your spouse/partner are all that matter when it comes to the finances you said someone else was "relying" on.
more women are interested in relationships than gay men, etc.
Also irrelevant for the reason above, and for the mere fact it's not your market.
I mean, come on gal, this isn't logic that's hard to understand. I think you're here more to be obnoxious rather than have an intelligent debate, which is very sad.
"Gal?" I'm a guy, maybe the "beck" in my name is what confused you, doesn't matter. But anyone reading your posts here would see you're much more into excuse-making than intelligent debate. You've got excuse after excuse.... after excuse... as to why you aren't happy professionally and how everyone else posting here has it easier than you. As far as you calling someone else obnoxious...that's rich, as it was you who literally called someone who came from a war-torn country (if his story is true, I have no reason to doubt it) who didn't even speak the language, yet worked himself successfully into the American dream, "privileged."