Judy's sexism on full display (1-16)
For those of you who still believe Judy is not sexist towards men, and doesn't treat the female plaintiffs any differntly than she does males, I hope you watched the 1-16 episode.
There were 3 quick cases. I'm talking about the last two cases:
In the second case, a Black male was the plaintiff in a 'car case' - who owed who money. He was trying to explain his case, but JJ kept interrupting. Finally, he said "Just listen..." to which triggered JJ to go into full defense mode: "YOU DON'T TELL ME TO JUST LISTEN!" she said while banging her ball point pen on her bench. The man quieted down and tried to explain his case once again, the defendant interfered, and they were thrown out.
The next case up: A Black female was the plaintiff in a 'car case' - who owed who money. She was trying to explain her case, JJ kept interrupting. Finally, she said "Just listen...". Did this trigger JJ into fulldefense mode with the ball point pen banging on her bench and her telling the plaintiff 'You don't tell me to just listen!"
Naaahhhh. JJ just tilted her head to one side and smiled at the woman, who then explained her case in full detail. Her case ended up being dismissed, too, because she 'had no case'.
JJ sexism at it's most obvious. She hates men - period.
"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16