I Am Watching A Rerun

That my DVR recorded over the weekend. The first ten minutes was missing due to a long sports event, but the gist of the case was a collision between a woman driving a race car on a closed track and a man operating a Non race car. Judge Judy is s reaching at the female race car driver that although at this venue race cars have the right of way, she should have yielded to the man because she saw him. Judge Judy drew an analogy of a driver having the right of way, if a pedestrian decides to cross against the light, the driver would be responsible for injuring the pedestrian. Coincidentally, this past Friday, I was driving up 7th Street NW in DC with a green light, when three buttheads decided that they are entitled to cross the street against the light. If I hit these morons, would I be responsible?


I saw this one too because my DVR recorded it at 2am. Pedestrians do have the right of way in most cities. However, they have to be following the law as well. If their not in a crosswalk and you hit them they could actually be fined, it happened in my town a few years ago. If you are following the speed limit, laws of the road, not impaired and you hit a pedestrian not following the law it wouldn't (or shouldn't) be your fault.
That being said, I think jj was right on this one, that woman thinks because she was in a racecar that she had the right of way but she could see him but he couldn't see her. She hit him on the side of his car because she didn't wait the few seconds it would have took him to pass.
Off subject but didn't that woman have a weird look about her? She looked like a mouse. Her husband was a hotty though.


Yes, you would be responsible if you saw them and you went anyway.


Well, they saw me. And I had the light.


But you're in a machine that weighs thousands of pounds and can kill or injure someone. For that reason alone, a driver has to be more careful. That's different than if you were walking and the light turned green and you bumped into someone also walking. Besides, just because you think they saw you doesn't mean they did see you.

Imagine you pull out of a parking spot and you hit a car parked in a no parking zone. It's not blocking you in, but you wouldn't have hit in the first place if they hadn't parked there. Are you responsible for any damage to the other car, if they were parked where they shouldn't legally have parked? Yes, because you still hit the car.
